February 15, 2025 6:07 pm

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Paine Field Airport resumes limited commercial flights

Paine Field airport

Paine Field Airport resumes limited commercial flightsBy Mario Lotmore | Lynnwood Times Staff EVERETT, Wash., August 1, 2020 – Today, Paine Field Airport resumed commercial flights with a limited schedule. Currently, United Airline resumed one daily flight on to/from Denver and Alaska Airlines has two daily flights each to/from Las Vegas and Phoenix. Propeller Airports, […]

Encampment cleared: Thursday’s sweep marks the second in one week

Everett encampment

By Erin Freeman | Lynnwood Times Staff EVERETT, WA – The City of Everett cleared a homeless encampment housing 110 people and nearly 50 tents on private property on Rucker Avenue at noon on July 9, due to violation of city code. Thursday’s sweep marks the second in one week, following Snohomish County eviction of the same […]

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