Sheriff Johnson along with all county judges endorse Whitney Rivera for Superior Court
Sheriff Susanna Johnson encourages voters to support Judge Whitney Rivera Public safety is not just about the work of law enforcement. When it comes to keeping our communities safe, we also need a court system that will take these cases and handle them in a professional and transparent way. Trial judges shape our community by […]
Judge Jennifer Langbehn endorses Moriarty for Snohomish County Superior Court judge
I write to encourage Snohomish County voters to Retain Judge Moriarty. I am one of Judge Moriarty’s current benchmates, and practiced law with him for 13 years so I have seen his commitment to this County firsthand. Judge Moriarty was an excellent role model, requiring associates and staff to treat everyone with respect, and hold […]
Letter-to-Editor: I highly recommend Judge Moriarty
I am writing to endorse Patrick Moriarty for Judge. Judge Pat Moriarty has all the qualities one wants in a judge – compassion, intellect, integrity, patience, and good humor. In my experience, the latter is especially important. Judges must preside over hearings where the stakes can be very high, and the emotions rise in direct […]