Commentary: Extend eviction moratorium past August 1st

Commentary: Extend eviction moratorium past August 1stLetter to the Editor | Pam Hurst | Lynnwood Times I thank Governor Inslee for taking action to protect renters from experiencing homelessness during this health pandemic by extending the eviction moratorium until August 1st. I’m aware that even before the COVID-19 pandemic, our state’s housing shortage has been […]
Letters to the Editor: Peace Pole

Congratulations and thank you to Eagle Scout Jim Osbourn for his splendid Service Project. The Peace Poles are a great gift to everyone living in or visiting Lynnwood! Major kudos also to the Rotary Club and Dunn Lumber, city officials and all others who helped on this. And, thank to the Lynnwood Times for printing […]
Letters to the Editor: Political Season

Move Lynnwood forward with Naz Lashgari I would like to urge Lynnwood voters to support Ms. Naz Lashgari for City Council Position 4 in the upcoming primary. As Vice President of the Lynnwood Diversity, Equity ,and Inclusion Commission, Naz has consistently shown herself to be a powerful advocate for the LGBTQ community, people of color, […]