March 11, 2025 10:00 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

First three Let’s Go Washington initiatives pass the legislature and now law

three initiatives

OLYMPIA—Three of six Let’s Go Washington landmark initiatives to the legislature passed both chambers of the Washington State Senate and House on Monday, March 4, and will become law in 90 days after the Legislature adjourns on March 7—no signature by Governor Jay Inslee is needed. The three initiatives that did not receive public hearings […]

Overwhelming public support for Parental Rights initiative

Parental Rights

OLYMPIA—The House Education Committee and Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee held a joint public hearing to discuss Initiative 2081, protecting parental rights, on Wednesday, February 28. The Meeting was chaired by Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos (D- Rainier Beach). “We all know that family members are every child’s first teachers,” said Senator Lisa Wellman (D-Mercer […]

Proposed bill would require early childhood education enrollment by age 5

early childhood education

OLYMPIA, Wash., January 17, 2022 – Early childhood education is so critical to student success that now some educators are pushing for enrollment in school by age five. Currently, Washington parents are allowed enrollment for their child with the local school system until age eight. If Senate Bill 5537 passes, they’ll be the last in the […]

Melissa Taylor announces candidacy for 46th LD House seat

melissa taylor

SEATTLE, Wash. — On December 9, Melissa Taylor announced her candidacy for State Representative in the 46th Legislative District. A mom, small business owner, healthcare expert and community leader, Melissa is running for the open House seat because her neighbors cannot afford to wait for long overdue progress on solving our housing crisis, funding programs […]

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