Larch Way/Logan Road and Locust Way intersection will close this weekend

LYNNWOOD—Snohomish County Public Works is advising residents that Larch Way/Logan Road and Locust Way intersection will be closed from Friday, September 27, and is expected to reopen by 6 a.m. on Monday, September 30. The detour route will be the same as what was used over the summer. Construction on the intersection is coming to an end […]
Larch Way/Logan Road and Locust Way intersection close for construction

EVERETT—The intersection of Larch Way/Logan Road and Locust Way will close this summer as Snohomish County Public Works constructs a roundabout. The intersection will be fully closed June 25 and is expected to reopen September 4 before the start of the 2024-25 school year. A signed detour will be in place to direct drivers around […]