February 5, 2025 6:14 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Lynnwood appoints new PFD Board members, recognizes Women’s History Month

Lynnwood PFD Board

LYNNWOOD—The Lynnwood City Council adopted a proclamation for Women’s History Month, appointed two new Public Facilities District (PFD) board members, and held a public hearing where it discussed an ordinance regarding the underground of overhead service utilities, and the Town Center Master Signage Plan Development Agreement, at its Business Meeting held Monday, March 11. The […]

Garden Senior Village project and purchase of open space land is a go

Garden Village

LYNNWOOD—The City council approves a development agreement with Garden Senior Village, reallocated ARPA funds to the police department, entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement of $750,000, and postponed a hearing request for a performance audit until March 11, at its Business Meeting on Monday, February 26. The council also authorize $9.3 million in contracts for the […]

Property agreements and millions in contracts to be approved at upcoming council meeting

lynnwood agreement

LYNNWOOD—For its Business Meeting at 6 p.m., Monday, February 26, the Lynnwood City Council is expected to vote on a proposed development agreement with Garden Senior Village, reallocate ARPA funds for the police department, enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement of $750,000, request a performance audit, and approve $9.3 million in contracts for the Mayor Christine Frizzell […]

Jim Smith departs in legislative ‘blaze of glory,’ Sutton’s call for audit passes

jim smith

LYNNWOOD, Wash., December 13, 2023—In their final meeting of the year, the Lynnwood City Council passed their mid-biennial budget and added new agenda items for the incoming council next year. The budget passed without any further discussion in a 6-0-1 vote with Councilmember Josh Binda abstaining.  As was previously reported, since Lynnwood operates on a […]

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