August 31, 2024 9:14 pm

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Mindfulness: Upon Reflection

Mindful Monday

Happy end of the Year! This month we settle into a new holiday season with fresh opportunities to live more mindfully. SETTLING INTO THE PAUSE – NON-JUDGMENT – NOTICING JOY – UPON REFLECTION In recent years I’ve stomped the ground of nearly 400 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon and Washington. Some days […]

Mindfulness: Noticing Joy

Mindful Monday

This month we settle into a new holiday season with fresh opportunities to live more mindfully. SETTLING INTO THE PAUSE – NON-JUDGMENT – NOTICING JOY – REFLECTION       NOTICING JOY One of the biggest costs of being Mindless, instead of Mindful, is the loss of opportunity.  One of those opportunities could be the chance to notice […]

Mindfulness: Non-judgment

Mindful Monday

This month we settle into a new holiday season with fresh opportunities to live more mindfully. SETTLING INTO THE PAUSE – NON-JUDGMENT – NOTICING JOY – REFLECTION When it comes to cultivating Mindfulness, I find practicing an attitude of non-judgment toward myself and the world around me is both difficult and rewarding: inner calm, stress […]

Mindfulness: Settling into the PAUSE

Mindful Monday

This month we settle into the holiday season with fresh opportunities to live more mindfully. SETTLING INTO THE PAUSE – NON-JUDGEMENT – NOTICING JOY – REFLECTION This time of year can sometimes feel like one big whirling dervish. Other times it can be relaxed, meaningful, and spacious. Pausing to notice your experience can cultivate self-awareness, […]


Mindful Monday

I like Fall not only for its unique beauty here in the great Salish region, but also because it encourages me to prepare and make the best of the next 4 months: my least favorite time of the year. FERTILIZING – INSULATING – SETTLING INTO OUR ROOTS –TYING THINGS DOWN This eternal looking tree resides […]

As we start November, your invitation is to discover moments to…

Mindful Monday

Mindfulness is “The awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn “Mindfulness is simply the knack of noticing without comment whatever is happening in your present experience” ~ Guy Claxton Lisa Wellington is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher who writes about integrative practices that downshift stress, increase insight, and jumpstart […]

Tying things down: Batten the hatches

Mindful Monday

This week we finish our October theme: Winterizing FERTILIZING – INSULATING – SETTLING INTO OUR ROOTS – TYING THINGS DOWN             In the Spring of 1990 tourists poured out from a cruise ship onto the island of St. Thomas, USVI. They were employees of a large American generator manufacturer. The company made so much money […]

Cultivating an attitude of trust

Mindful Monday

When we practice Mindfulness, we can intentionally cultivate one of seven foundational attitudes. This month we’ll explore Trust. A good place to start when cultivating a greater sense of trust within yourself is to begin with your own body.  Interoception and proprioception involve our ability to sense what’s going on in our body and where it […]

Perspective – The Beginner’s Mind

Mindful Monday

In 1969 we were given an epic and amazing sense of perspective by the pilots onboard Apollo 11. This photo is called, Earthrise over the Moon. It was captured on 07/20/1969. It seems like a good time to be mindful of perspective. Take a moment or more, to gaze upon this beautiful image. Consider what […]

The lumpy crossing place

Mindful Monday

We are in a weird time. Take a deep breath… The people of Northern Ireland have a phrase for this kind of challenging time.  They might refer to it as a Correymeela which means, The Lumpy Crossing Place.  The landscape is shifting, the map is changing, the weather is mixed with an 80% chance of […]

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