Tying things down: Batten the hatches
This week we finish our October theme: Winterizing FERTILIZING – INSULATING – SETTLING INTO OUR ROOTS – TYING THINGS DOWN            In the Spring of 1990 tourists poured out from a cruise ship onto the island of St. Thomas, USVI. They were employees of a large American generator manufacturer. The company made so much money […]
Cultivating an attitude of trust
When we practice Mindfulness, we can intentionally cultivate one of seven foundational attitudes. This month we’ll explore Trust. A good place to start when cultivating a greater sense of trust within yourself is to begin with your own body. Interoception and proprioception involve our ability to sense what’s going on in our body and where it […]
Perspective – The Beginner’s Mind
In 1969 we were given an epic and amazing sense of perspective by the pilots onboard Apollo 11. This photo is called, Earthrise over the Moon. It was captured on 07/20/1969. It seems like a good time to be mindful of perspective. Take a moment or more, to gaze upon this beautiful image. Consider what […]
The lumpy crossing place
We are in a weird time. Take a deep breath… The people of Northern Ireland have a phrase for this kind of challenging time. They might refer to it as a Correymeela which means, The Lumpy Crossing Place. The landscape is shifting, the map is changing, the weather is mixed with an 80% chance of […]
The Surprises of Generosity
After just a few days of backpacking on a trail, all hikers crave the same thing: Fresh Food. Ripe fruit or crunchy vegetables become an obsession and motivation to get to the next place, sometimes just the next step. The lofty hope is that a town will have a restaurant, or perhaps a Trail Angel […]
Let’s stay grounded
If you’re anything like me, you’re feeling these days like you are rearranging furniture on the Titanic. Just when you’ve reset the chairs a chandelier goes flying by, followed by a table set for dinner. We are living through a pivotal time in history that seems to spin from hopeful to terrifying on an intermittent […]
Simple steps to help cope with anxiety
S.T.O.P. is a wonderful acronym that when practiced for mindfulness gives us permission to pause and reset ourselves particularly when feelings of anxiety seem to have taken hold. Creating space in the day to stop, come down from the worried mind, and get back into the present moment has been shown to be enormously helpful […]
Holding gratefulness and grief
Let’s face it, as a community and as individuals, we are experiencing a mixed bag of emotions right now.  We may be grateful for a paycheck, shelter, friends and family to reach out to, food options and our health. Or we may actually be grieving a lack of income, companionship, and threats to our housing […]
Mindful Speech
Words have power and weight, yet we throw them around like little candy grenades at a parade or rattle and flail them like swords. Sometimes they just take up space to satisfy an itch so we don’t have to experience silence. They also can be a salve to heal or a lift to encourage. We […]
Cultivating an attitude of acceptance
Generally, I’m an optimist; a ‘ Glass Half Full’ kind of person. Now, what is IN that glass is usually the story of the moment. Is it un-drinkable, un-shareable, and toxic, or is it a pleasant and nourishing elixir? I came to the rather settling conclusion recently that life is in general a shitstorm. Some […]