September 1, 2024 1:20 am

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3 Mindful Breathes

Mindful Monday

Mindful breathes are a simple meditation to quickly allow the body to relax and find calm and peace in the midst of stressors. Sit comfortably with a tall (but not rigid) spine or lie down. Place one hand on your collar bone and one on your abdomen, just below your belly button. Inhale from the […]

Connecting with the senses

Mindful Monday

There is a saying that you can’t give what you don’t have. Taking care of yourself and addressing your needs is a vital part of improving wellbeing, maintaining balance, and preventing burnout. The 5 Senses This practice is a classic grounding exercise to help get us out of our heads and connected to our senses: […]

Three mindful breathes

Mindful Monday

Three mindful breathes is a simple meditation to quickly allow the body to relax and find calm and peace in the midst of stressors. Sit comfortably with a tall (but not rigid) spine or lie down. Place one hand on your collar bone and one on your abdomen, just below your belly button. Inhale from […]

7 essential selfcare tips for ‘Know-it-Alls’ during COVID-19

Mindful Monday

By Lisa Wellington | Lynnwood Times Contributor COVID Confessional: I’m a know it all.  I know that. And when it comes to selfcare I have an honorary PhD from the School of Me. During recent months I have consumed mountains of books, articles, videos and TED Talks on what you need to know about selfcare during […]

Mindful Monday: Mindful transitions

Mindful Monday

By Lisa Wellington | Lynnwood Times Contributor The weather feels like a petulant child; tired, defiant, unsure of what it wants.  One minute it is a gloriously sunny, edge of spring with blue skies kind of day. The next moment the sky is cranky with clouds spewing snow. Then just as quickly it is bright and […]

Integrating mindful pauses into your day

Mindful Monday

By Lisa Wellington | Lynnwood Times Contributor A great way to anchor mindfulness practices into your daily activities is to find moments of pause that are already built into your routines. Waiting in a grocery line, waiting for the microwave bell to ring, or even while driving. Today I’ll share with you one of my most […]

Mindful Monday: Be fully present to what you are doing

Mindful Monday

By Lisa Wellington | Lynnwood Times Contributor Always start with where you are.  You don’t need to overthink it.  Intentionally be aware of the present moment with the task at hand.  Start with a daily routine habit/task as an anchor. Walk through your sensory experience as you move through the action at hand. What can […]

Mindful Monday: Minding the Chatter in our Heads

Mindful Monday

By Lisa Wellington | Lynnwood Times Contributor Have you ever walked out your door, noticed the rain and wind that awaits you and thought all of this within a nanosecond? “Oh great. Rain. Again. Why did I even bother with my hair? I’m going to be a mess, I’ll never make it to that meeting […]

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