July 27, 2024 5:41 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Mindful Mondays: Start where you are


The remainder of the year is full of shifting sands, seasons and situations.  The landscape is changing and so must our map. July is a great month to reset, recalibrate and get back to mindfulness practice basics! I always recommend starting where you are.  Don’t overthink it.  Try this: Intentionally be aware of the present […]

Mindful Mondays: Take a deep breath


We are going through a rough time. Take a deep breath… The people of Northern Ireland have a phrase for this kind of challenging passage.  They might refer to it as a Correymeela which means, The Lumpy Crossing Place.  The landscape is shifting, the map is changing, the weather is mixed with an 80% chance […]

Minding the chatter in our Heads


Have you ever walked out your door, noticed the rain and wind that awaits you and within a nano-second thought this: “Oh great. Rain. Again. Why did I even bother with my hair? I’m going to be a mess, I’ll never make it to that meeting on time, the traffic is going to be horrible, […]

Stay Grounded – Be where your butt is


If you’re anything like me, you’re feeling these days like you are rearranging furniture on the Titanic. Just when you’ve reset the chairs a chandelier goes flying by, followed by a table set for dinner.  We are living through a pivotal time in history that seems to spin from hopeful and beautiful to terrifying and […]

Practice the 3 M’s to make your walk more mindful

The Spring is starting to lift us finally off our couches and into the great outdoors!  Just walking to take in some fresh air can be beneficial to both body and spirit. These walks are great opportunities to practice mindfulness in very practical ways that support our mental health too. I’ve guided countless walks with […]

Mindfulness: Non-Striving in Practice


As a mindfulness practice and stress reliever I recently took up abstract painting.  I was messing around with exercises provided by an online class when a friend asked, “Are you having fun?” to which I unenthusiastically replied, “Sort of.” The process was frustrating at times. My projects were not resembling anything like the seemingly effortless and […]

The Attitude of Non-Striving


When we practice Mindfulness, we can intentionally cultivate one of 7 foundational attitudes.  This week we’ll explore Non-Striving.  Non-striving can seem like a tricky mental posture in our goal-oriented world, but Jon Kabat-Zinn puts it this way, “Mindfulness is never about doing something perfectly because it is not about doing or accomplishing at all. It […]

Mindfulness: Mental well-being

Mindful Monday

We have far more impact on our own mental wellness than we may have been told. Every day, we can make choices to create who we want to become. Psychologist Dr. Nicole LePera, offers these ways to begin to create mental well-being: Place boundaries, honor your limits, say “no” to things that cause resentment Keep […]

Mindfulness: Completing the Stress Cycle

Mindful Monday

We all know that stress is an internal state and can manifest differently in each person. In varying degrees, it can affect our physical, spiritual, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive experiences of life. Avoiding burnout, or persistent auto-pilot, and increasing our overall resilience requires that we get proficient at Completing the Stress Cycle. What we know […]

Mindfulness: Autopilot

Mindful Monday

February is a good ‘reset’ month, so just as a reminder, today I’ll delve into one of the reasons we practice mindfulness: AUTOPILOT We can tend to run on autopilot much of the time, automatically making decisions and moving about our day rather mindlessly. But being in autopilot is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s […]

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