January 15, 2025 9:27 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Call for artists to populate art gallery in Monroe

Monroe art gallery

MONROE—The Ward Roney Jr. VFW Post 7511 Veterans Art Council (VAC) is hosting a Call for Artists to populate its art gallery located at 125 E. Main St. #101 in the heart of downtown Monroe. Intended as a vibrant addition to Monroe’s downtown landscape, the partially grant-funded gallery serves as Post Headquarters, a community hub, […]

Monroe’s Reptile Zoo, a unique and educational pitstop from mountain activities

Reptile Zoo

MONROE, Wash., June 5, 2023—Monroe’s Reptile Zoo is located right off Highway 2, along the way to many popular hiking and camping destinations, which makes it a convenient, unique, and educational pit stop from summer outdoor activities in the mountains.  With approximately 100 different animals throughout the enclosed 7,000 square-foot space, the Reptile Zoo allows […]

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