Marysville Councilmember Peter Condyles announces reelection bid

MARYSVILLE, Wash., March 8, 2023—Marysville City Councilmember Peter Condyles announced his intention to retain council position #1 in the November election on Tuesday, March 7. Condyles was appointed to the seat last July following an application process that drew 18 applicants. “The last few months have shown me that Marysville has the ability to be […]
Marysville City Council welcomes new member

MARYSVILLE, Wash., July 27, 2022 — Peter Condyles is the newest member of the Marysville City Council. The City Council made the selection following public interviews of six candidate finalists at its meeting on Monday, July 25. He was sworn in that evening. Condyles began attending Marysville City Council meetings as a youth, studying local […]
Braver Angels hosts Neighborhood Dinner Conversation featuring Nate Nehring

MUKILTEO – Braver Angels hosted a Neighborhood Dinner Conversation on Friday, July 8, featuring Snohomish County Councilman Nate Nehring and Mukilteo Councilman Richard Emery. Discussion topics included the economy, homelessness, education, affordable housing, cost of living, public safety, cancel culture, and the influence of social media to civil discourse. Councilman Nehring had the opportunity to […]