Residents be on alert for a Snohomish County Superior Court jury duty scam

SNOHOMISH COUNTY—Resident are advised to be aware that the Snohomish County Superior Court and Snohomish County Superior Court Clerk’s Office are receiving reports of jury duty scam activity. The Superior Court will NEVER reach out to jurors demanding money related to jury service. We have heard specific complaints that scammers will identify as members of […]
Fraud Alert: Latest scams hitting Snohomish County residents

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., April, 24, 2023—Snohomish County residents are being asked to report the latest scams to law enforcement of anyone requesting money for fake jewelry on the side of the road or demanding money for jury service over the phone. Snohomish County Superior Court Jury Duty Scam Alert The Snohomish County Superior Court and […]