Effective July 6, 2020 Council Meetings will begin at 6:00 PM
By Lynnwood City Government | Press Release
LYNNWOOD, WA (June 26, 2020) – Beginning on July 6, 2020, Lynnwood City Council Meetings will now begin at 6:00 PM, every Monday evening and the third Wednesday of each month. “Council unanimously approved this earlier start time to be more efficient for staff, Council Members and the community,” stated Council President Christine Frizzell. “This will reduce lag times between end of work days and council meetings, and additionally it will allow meetings to end earlier and be more conveniently timed for community members watching online or visiting us in person.”
The Lynnwood City Council will continue to conduct their meetings electronically via Zoom while we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note, the Monday, June 29 City Council Work Session will begin at 7:00 PM.
About the Council:
Council Work Sessions: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays of each month, and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM.
During Work Sessions City Council Members are able to discuss topics, receive briefings, reports and memorandums from City staff as well as hear presentations from City staff and outside organizations. During a Work Session, no formal decisions can be made by the Council. The Council follows Robert’s Rules of Order during their meetings to allow for courtesy and orderly flow of the meetings. There is not an opportunity for public comments during Work Sessions.
Council Business Meetings: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 PM.
Business Meetings follow a very formal and specific format. During a Regular Business Meeting City Council Members make a formal vote on items that were discussed at a previous Work Session, adopt previous meeting minutes, and present proclamations and resolutions. During Regular Business Meetings members of the public have an opportunity during the ‘Citizen Comments’ portion of the agenda to make a comment to the Council on any topic.
Find out more about the Lynnwood City Council and view upcoming and past meeting agendas and videos by visiting: www.LynnwoodWA.gov/Government/City-Council.
You can watch Council Meetings on livestream by visiting www.LynnwoodWA.gov/Live.

Author: Mario Lotmore