By Erin Freeman | Lynnwood Times Staff
The city of Lynnwood’s Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts, Lynn Sordel, has been appointed to serve as a board member of a new foundation addressing unmet needs and funding gaps in public health priorities throughout Snohomish County.
Established by the Snohomish Health District (SHD), the Sound Foundation for Public Health will support funding for priorities identified in community health assessments, community health improvement plans, and/or emerging public health issues in Snohomish County. The board members will be involved with the final creation and formation of the foundation.
“I’m interested to learn more about how we will provide support to identify some of the district’s improvement plans to address emerging health issues because we know the pandemic has changed everything,” explained Sordel.
One of the foundation’s focuses will be to fund SHD programs in alignment with the purpose, either through philanthropic fundraising or grant writing. The foundation will also look for opportunities to support other organizations with corresponding commitments to the future community.
“It is a very interesting opportunity to be involved in, especially with the health issues that are so critical to address in our daily lives,” said Sordel.
Leading a department in the city with its whole mission dedicated to improving health in the community, Sordel says that he has a particularly strong affinity for tackling health issues. While in the director position, he has been diligent within his department to discover healthy ways for community members to engage with Lynnwood’s parks, recreation, and cultural arts programs.
Along with Sordel, the board is composed of six other members with diverse backgrounds: Former Mukilteo City Councilmember Christine Cook, Founder and Vice-President of Second Chance Foundation Jason Cockburn, Professor and Chair of Public Health at Bastyr University Dr. Robin Fenn, Executive Director of the Corvias Foundation Maria Montalvo, Executive Director for the Pacific Islander Health Board Lika Smith, and CEO for Community Health Center of Snohomish County Joe Vessayd.
“I’m excited to be part of it; I commend the district for putting this together,” said Sordel. “This should be fun; it will be meaningful work.”

Author: Mario Lotmore