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Liz Cheney censured in Wyoming for her vote to impeach President Trump

By Mario Lotmore  |  Lynnwood Times Staff

CARBON COUNTY, WY, January 16, 2021 – The Republican Central Committee of Carbon County voted unanimously, 45 to 0, to censure Rep. Liz Cheney (WY) for her vote to impeach President Donald J Trump. Cheney is the elder daughter of Lynne Cheney and former Vice President Dick Cheney. She was first elected to congress in 2016, after holding several positions in the U.S. State Department during the George W. Bush administration.

Liz Cheney 116th Congress official portrait

“The Carbon County Republican Party does hereby censure U.S. Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming for her actions on Wednesday, January 13tn 2020, as those actions stand in contradiction to the quantifiable will of the majority of the electorate of Wyoming, and for devaluing the political influence of the State of Wyoming by voting in favor of a process that followed no known hearing process, provided no evidence to consider, called no witnesses to be sworn, and allowed none of the accusers to be questioned by the accused…”

In November 2018, Cheney was elected by her colleagues as the Chair of the House Republican Conference, the third-ranking Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives.

On Wednesday, January 13, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 231-197 to impeach President Donald J Trump, charging him with “incitement of insurrection” for his alleged role in the Capitol Building protest.

Ten Republicans led by Rep. Liz Cheney voted in favor for impeachment. Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03) and Dan Newhouse (WA-04) joined all Democrat U.S. House Representatives from Washington state to vote for the impeachment of President Trump.

In her statement to constituents, Rep. Cheney accused the President of nothing short of insurrection.

“The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack,” wrote Rep. Cheney.

The other Republican representatives in the House who voted to impeach President Donald J Trump were Anthony Gonzalez (OH-16), John Katko (NY-24), Adam Kinzinger (IL-16), Peter Meijer (MI-03), Tom Rice (SC-07), Fred Upton (MI-06), and David Valadao (CA-21).

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Included in the censure resolution by Republican Central Committee of Carbon County, was a demand that Rep. Cheney appear before the committee to explain her actions.

“The Carbon County Republican Party calls on Representative Liz Cheney to appear before this body at its next stated meeting to explain her actions to this body, the State Republican Party membership, and the entirety of the concerned Wyoming electorate.”

The resolution is now up for consideration to be adopted by the State Central Committee of the Wyoming Republican Party.

After the U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald J Trump for a second time during his presidency, the Wyoming Republican Party released a statement chastising Rep. Cheney and shared a summary of comments received from thousands of local residents.

“Considering the overwhelming interest in this issue the Wyoming Republican Party leadership felt that it was important to share with Representative Cheney the nature of the comments and outcry we have received.

  • By announcing her decision to vote for impeachment Representative Cheney denied President Trump due process; she judged the “evidence” before it was presented and refused to listen to the arguments made.
  • Wyoming voted for the reelection of President Trump by a margin of 70% to 30%. 195,000 Wyomingites voted for President Trump. Representative Cheney is in Washington, DC to represent Wyoming’s interest, not the interest of the beltway elites.
  • President Trump did not incite anyone to riot. Read the transcript of what he said and watch the video.
  • We have watched the leftists and progressives in this country riot, burn, kill, maim, loot and destroy cities and communities for 7 months, often with Democrat leaders egging them on, bailing them out and refusing to condemn their actions.
  • Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the “worst thing ever in our history” (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda.
  • The Democrats are using this to smear the entire conservative movement and all Republicans. By voting to impeach, Representative Cheney is helping them in that effort.
  • Wyoming’s way of life and our entire economic future is under attack. We count on our elected officials to protect us. This move to impeach President Trump shows that we have a real reason to fear what is going to happen under the Biden administration.
  • This move to impeach President Trump makes it that much more difficult for our country to solve the serious problems we have, including Chinese and Iranian aggression, our overwhelming debt, and the catastrophic response to covid19.

These are only some of the themes of the comments we have received. We as a Party respect our elected officials and assume that they will respect and represent their constituents. We are receiving the message loud and clear that what happened yesterday is a true travesty for Wyoming and the country.”

Image may contain: one or more people, people dancing and people standing, text that says 'The tria ch m TH be De ge B fo C in m ti ANNA MONEYMAKER NEW YORK TIMES Republican Reps. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, right, and Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, were two of 10 GOP House members to vote for impeachment. Nine of Washington's 10 House members voted to impeach Trump'
Republican U.S. Reps. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, right, and Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington, who both voted to impeach President Donald Trump, exchange a high five during Wednesday during the vote at the Capitol. (Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times)

The actions of the Wyoming Republican Party seem parallel to events here in Washington state.

The Washington State Republican Party State Committee, overwhelmingly passed a Resolution by a vote of 111 to 2, condemning the impeachment of President Donald J Trump and expressing disappointment in U.S. House Democrats and the two Washington state Republicans, Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler and Rep. Dan Newhouse, who also voted for impeachment on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.

Mario Lotmore
Author: Mario Lotmore

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34 Responses

  1. Thank you Wyoming. Next step primary her out. Start looking for a representative who represents its constituents and not their own personal interest.

    1. Liz Cheney rode on the coattails of her father (VP of one of the worst GOP administrations). She doesn’t represent WY. Seems she’s forgotten whose voice she represents…and she’s become quite arrogant. VOTE HER OUT!!!

  2. Congresswoman Liz Cheney took an oath to uphold the Constitution. Yes, she was elected by the citizens of Wyoming, but her first allegiance is and should be to the Constitution. That’s her job. It is not to cater to the Republican party, which is now destroyed by Trumpism. God bless her for her courage. She is her father’s daughter.

    1. Your President Trump did NOT incite any riot.
      The Capitol breach occurred before your President Trump spoke at the rally.
      The breach was led by a BLM activists who was arrested and not charged.

      NPR posted a story that the occurred at 9:38 AM.
      What is destroying the Republic is the attempted socialization of this Republic.

      1. Wow, if your going to go on a diatribe of epic porportion then please get at least some of your so called facts straight. Trump won by millions of votes. As for evidence, unless your a blind monkey youve seen many of the videos not to mention over a thousand affidavidts admitting that there was fraud. Just because one is to stupid or ignorant to examine the facts instead they are admitting they are to corrupt to look. They chose ignoring data and that by any court standard is corruption. Instead people voted fir a known pedophile with video to prove it. Along with a corrupt son who also stars in his own porn movies.

      2. Proof please. Any? Looked like white people to me or did a bunch of black people paint themselves white.
        Who is the FBI arresting? The problem in this country have always been racist cowards.

  3. The capitol riot was the first time I have ever seen a demonstration based on a delusion. They may as well have been rioting because the government stole their unicorns. Joe Biden won. That’s it. He won by over 7 million votes. If there were suspicions of vote fraud by the Trump campaign in any States, Trump could and did challenge the those counts in court. He lost all but one procedural case, losing 64 with many courts throwing the cases out because they lacked any merit. Trump’s lawyers made public claims such as Hugo Chavez rigging the Dominion voting machines. They never bothered making those claims in a legal setting (Hugo Chavez died in 2013 by the way).

    The rioters were delusional insurrectionists. They were not patriots. Trump spent 2 months telling his supporters their vote was stolen and they had all been disenfranchised. At one rally he told them “You’re all victims”. His supporters believed him and were angry and he did nothing to soothe their nerves over those months. He just kept feeding the fire like an irresponsible child playing with matches near a pile of oily rags.

    I don’t see why it is hard to believe Trump lost. His approval rating was never over 50 percent. As much as his fans love him, the rest of us loathe him. As his approval rating and all the pre-election polling has shown. he was very likely to lose the 2020 election.

    Somehow this country has to get back to dealing with the same general view of reality based on a common agreement on facts. People either misinformed or just plain stubborn in holding on to “facts” that just ain’t true will make bad decisions and Trump was definitely one of them. He’s left a divided country with about as many people dying with Covid-19 as died in World War II. Washington is now a walled city, guarded by 25,000+ armed National Guardsmen all due to Trump’s and his enablers’ Big Lie that he won the 2020 election. He was by far the worst President in my lifetime (born in 1953). Nixon was a Boy Scout in comparison to this conman. I am very relieved to see the back of him. It’s been a 4 year nightmare.

    1. Since when have the polls ever been right?! I am sure there are a lot more Trump supporters than the so called polls register. The election was stolen. Since when can you have more votes than registered voters and that is honest? Dead people voting, people going to vote and finding someone already voted for them, changing and altering voting laws. Now we have verified information from other countries proving the votes were flipped and when it happened. People were shut out of counts. If this election was legit, what were they hiding ?! If it was legit they would have had no problem going over the results. It would have been the smartest course of action to ease everyone’s fears. So, that said it all, you gave yourself away. Corrupt politicians and judges stealing the will of the people. Biden is not our legitimate president no matter how much you twist things and pretend otherwise. You can stick your fingers in your ears and rock back and forth humming to drown out what you don’t want to hear, but it doesn’t make it so.

      1. You have to present actual evidence, not your “facts”. No, there were not more votes than registered voters. Same with the dead people voting claims. What verified information from other countries? Something Q told you? Newsmax? Alex Jones? I don’t know where you get your information, but it’s simply flat out wrong.

        You proved my point made above. You believe things that simply are not true. Trump and all his enablers played the lot of you willing to believe ever more fantastic lies. To believe the vote was fixed means involving Republican and Democratic voting officials, all the judges including the ones appointed by Trump. the media and probably the Bavarian Illuminati in some byzantine plot to overturn the election. It’s crazy.

        As far as some stupid election commission? There is no evidence of voter fraud despite your assertions. There is therefore nothing to investigate. I don’t think it’s worth the time of the U.S. Congress to investigate unsupported assertions just to make people with delusions feel better. Besides, if there were such a commission and it did find the election was on the level, you probably wouldn’t believe it anyways. You’ve already shown an aversion to facts in your reply. My prediction, in the case of such a commission deciding the election was on the up and up, would be a rejection of that decision by most of MAGA. Any Republicans who voted in favor of the decision would instantly put a target on their back (don’t forget the “Hang Mike Pence” chants), and they would be deemed RINO traitors. Pretty much all of MAGA would continue to believe Trump was stabbed in the back by the “Deep State” or some similar idiocy. If Trump continues to maintain he was robbed, so will MAGA.

        I reiterate my point above. We’ve got way too many people getting information from people who are (many times cynically) lying to them. We saw what happens on Jan. 6 when you rile up a crowd with lies. Lies they’ve been hearing from people they trust ever since the election was called. I have no idea how as a society you deal with this plague of disinformation, but we have a lot of citizens living in a sort of alternate reality. The country will just become more ungovernable unless this is handled somehow.

        And as far as sticking my fingers in my ears, rocking away and humming to drown out what I don’t want to hear?
        I rarely hum, mostly sing or whistle. I don’t rock back and forth, even if bothered by something. And my ears? They’re unplugged and hearing Biden is president. Also, what I’ve been hearing is that Trump lost, was the sorest loser in world history and is at this moment watching OANN, yelling about all the people who “betrayed” him and farting into a gold-studded barca-lounger. That’s what I’m hearing.

    2. Well stated, I commend you for your clear forthright statement! Keep at it, your neighbors need your help waking up from the rtump cult they have been hypnotized into following! Good luck and God Bless You. 👣

  4. The reality is that Liz Cheney’s vote to impeach Mr. Trump was influenced by her father the former VP and buddy of the Bush’s who both despise Trump.

    1. Cheney was influenced by the facts! The facts that you yourself watched on TV. Trump and his cohorts had been calling the election of fraud since before the election and once he really lost he couldn’t handle it, his ego is too fragile! His lawyers went to court 64 times and all cases were thrown out due to lack of evidence and fake evidence! Trump lost Fair and square, he lost but refused to acknowledge it and continued for two months to rile up his supporters that the election has been stolen and for them to come to Washington on January 6 and be ready to be wild and once there he continued to goad them on and so did his cronies that also made speeches to incite the riots. Trump straight out said let’s go take the capital and I will go with you you have to fight! But chickenshit Trump didn’t go with them he went and hid in a tent with with televisions and with his son Don Junior filming him watching the riots on TV and Trump was happy as hell and kept on watching and he kept the Pentagon from allowing outside help to help the capital police for over two hours while he enjoyed watching the riots on TV like the lunatic that he is! He is a psychopath with no empathy for the over 450,000 people that have died of Covid that he lied about and said it was no big deal and you believe in him? What about your fellow Americans that are DEAD because they believed DT’s LIES! You need a serious reality check you are one of trumps delusional cult supporter! Your lost and your hurting your children! Do you want that t be your legacy? Wake up!

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