Lukas Holloman, a 2019 Cascade Warbirds Private Pilot Ground School Scholarship winner, hasn’t let the pandemic slow him down. Lukas, a student at Auburn Riverside High School, has been in a running start program taking classes at Green River College and pursuing flight training. He completed his ground school training and was issued his FAA Student Pilot Certificate in August 2019. This spring he passed the exam for his Private Pilot License. And, next month he will graduate with Honors from Auburn Riverside High School with more than two-thirds of his studies done toward an Associate Degree in Aviation Technology with plans to continue to a bachelors in Aeronautical Science at Green River College.
Holloman’s family credit the Cascade Warbirds Scholarship with igniting their son’s desire to become a pilot and thanked the organization for its support. Cascade Warbirds salutes the effort that began with an application to the Private Pilot Ground School Scholarship Program. They note that a highly successful fund raising earlier this year assures that the Program will continue in 2022. Announcements for that opportunity will be made late this year.
Cascade Warbirds is Squadron #2 of EAA Warbirds of America and is a non-profit organization of local aviation enthusiasts, many of whom are pilot-owners of historic military aircraft. With over 250 members and the largest squadron in Warbirds of America, Cascade Warbirds is centered in the Puget Sound area. Its mission is to promote and encourage the flying preservation and display of Warbird aircraft (Keep ‘em Flying), to honor Veterans, and to engage in aviation education. Find more about them on the web at
Cascade Warbirds is Squadron #2 of EAA Warbirds of America and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization of local aviation enthusiasts, many of whom are pilot-owners of historic military aircraft. With over 250 members and the largest squadron in Warbirds of America, Cascade Warbirds members are centered in the Puget Sound area, extending throughout Washington, and also from British Columbia to Nevada. Its mission is to promote and encourage the flying preservation and display of Warbird aircraft (Keep ‘em Flying), to honor Veterans, and to engage in aviation education.
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Author: Lynnwood Times Staff
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