LYNNWOOD, Wash., October 17, 2021 – For its 6 p.m. Monday, October 18 WORK SESSION the Lynnwood City Council will discuss the following items:
- Council Rules Revision
- Discussion of proposed Contract Award – Community Recovery Center Design
- Discussion for Vehicle License Fee
To read what happened during the last City Council meeting, click here.
Community Recovery Center Design
On September 13, 2021, Council approved Resolution 21-06 to build a Community Recovery Center on the site of the Community Justice Center.
According to city documents, a Single Source Competitive Waiver method was used in accordance with LMC 2.92.080 to select Mackenzie Engineering, Inc., for the Community Recovery Center design services.
The estimated value of the Mackenzie Engineering contract for design services is $1,697,802.
Waiver of the $40 Vehicle License Fee
According to an email from Lynnwood City Finance Director, Michelle Meyer, $1 million is generated per year from the $40 fee. She recommends delaying the topic to 2022 for the 2023-24 biennium budget process.
According to the Washington Department of Licensing, a six month notice if required. Therefore, if the council approves the waiver, it will not take effect until January 1, 2023.
Lynnwood City Council meeting Time and Location
The Public can hear the meeting live, 6 p.m. October 18. This meeting will be held electronically by Zoom. CURRENTLY, IN-PERSON MEETINGS ARE SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. All meetings are streamed live at:ÂÂ or you can join electronic meetings using the information below. Callers may listen by dialing 1-253-215-8782, enter meeting ID of 836 2657 6445.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff