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Your November 2021 horoscope

It’s probably a relief to get the “Mercury Retrograde” thing out of the way in an otherwise undoubtedly eventful October. But I have to say November could well have a few surprises in store for you too.

The planetary energies of Uranus and Pluto will be having a say this month. Uranus – often known as “the trickster” – could well be full of surprises, shocks, unexpected changes and new opportunities – which can be both good and bad, depending on how you respond to them. “Change” in life is a good thing quite often. The question is, how well (or not) do we respond to it?

Pluto on the other hand is much darker, much more transformative and usually much more subversive. But it can also be liberating and empowering. It rules the Sign of Scorpio, and with a New Moon in Scorpio early this month, it could well be a very disruptive, yet empowering, thing.

The month has a particularly “feminine empowerment” and “soul progression” flavor to it too. Therefore, expect a month that will not be conventional for many people, with the potential for it being utterly life changing for a few.

ARIES: Change is something I do pretty well. I’m always the first in line if something different is happening. The problem often is thought that when others catch up with me and follow my path, I tend to suddenly want to find a different one, so I’m always most comfortable ahead of the pack!

TAURUS: I’m not one for change. I much prefer to keep my head down and feet on the ground. Hopefully these possible changes will pass me by. However, if change is forced on me, I hope that the powers that be at least give me the strength and determination to keep going. I normally get there in the end; I just don’t like sudden surprises along the way if the truth were known!

GEMINI: As a fan of communications, social media, social interaction and the like, I’ve got used to surprises and unexpected things that tend to challenge my thinking constantly. I like to believe that I’m open-minded enough to deal with anything new and unconventional that comes along. As long as I can talk it through with someone, I’ll be fine!

CANCER: Oh no, not more change coming! I don’t fare well with that normally; as it can somewhat tend to effect my digestion and/or sense of well being. Being a nurturing kind of person, I’m totally open to helping others through their challenges – just not so good in looking after myself. It’s a mood thing with me, usually!

LEO: To be honest, I like to “razzle-dazzle” people for most of the time. So, anything that puts me in a new light I’m up for – as long as I’m respected for it. You can fill me in on the details later. In the meantime, just point me towards the right spotlight and I’ll show you how to shine, when all else around me are losing their head. It’s the “Lionheart spirit” in me I guess!

VIRGO: Well, I got through all the worry of Mercury Retrograde and everything else that rocked the boat in October. But I don’t like hearing that there may well be unexpected happenings in November too. I guess no one is perfect, but I just hate the thought that I won’t be in perfect control of things again this month. I can’t help being a worrywart!

LIBRA: The last thing I need is instability and imbalance. Call me a procrastinator if you like, but anything that forces me out on a limb is more than a little scary to me. Normally my kind and gentle ways can pacify most people and things in my life. But how do you handle the unexpected if it’s so, well… unexpected!

SCORPIO: I’m quite looking forward to the New Moon in my Sign this month, as it somehow charges my energies and let’s me feel more who I am. Mind you, I’m not inclined to show anyone who I am, unless I really trust them that is. But don’t let me down or abuse with too many surprises. Never forget, I can forgive but I can never forget!

SAGITTARIUS: Now you’re speaking my language with all this change and unexpected occurrences. I’m always one to explore new horizons. As long as the changes don’t stop me actually roaming and exploring new places and things, I’m happy doing both. Centaurs can be quite fidgety and restless at the best of times!

CAPRICORN: You know my slow and hard-working ways to realize my ambitions don’t cope at all well with the notion of change or unexpected happenings. I rely on tried and true methods and traditional approaches. So, it’s a little undermining to think that change could be afoot. Although, if you’re going to be a little crazy this month – do let me know and I’ll charge for admission!

AQUARIUS: I know enough about this stuff to be aware that Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius. So if things do change and new situations do force my rebelliousness and freedom of expression, then I’m actually all for it. “Vive la difference”, that’s what I say – for me, as well as everyone else!

PISCES: At times like this, I’d rather keep my head down, curl up with a good book or watch a movie or something. I’m not comfortable with change, or even self-realization change. So, for me I have to find some kind of escape until it passes over. But that can involve good change too I guess – so give me a nice big glass of wine, turn up the music, and bring it on Uranus!

OCTOBER Horoscope featured days at a glance…

  • NOVEMBER 2:  The MOON is in LIBRA. Definitely a day to turn down the volume, soak in a hot soapy bath and basically relax with good music or a good book. Also a fine time to build up your emotional resources before the New Moon enters Scorpio on the 3rd and hits that emotionally powerful New Moon location on the 4th.
  • NOVEMBER 4:  The NEW MOON is in SCORPIO. Could be a high intensity day, or a day of empowerment. So, go into it with whatever emotional protections you can muster. Great for laser insightfulness in terms of a therapy or self-analysis session. But you could be in for a rough time if you go in with all guns blazing at this time!
  • NOVEMBER 6:  The MOON is in SAGITTARIUS. If it’s been a pretty emotionally fraught time so far this month, this is a great opportunity to re-think your attitude to life, love and creative imaginings. Take the time to get out and explore new horizons. If you can’t do that physically, then certainly do it mentally or spiritually. A good time for empowering faith or new philosophical insights.
  • NOVEMBER 9 & 10:  The MOON is in AQUARIUS. On the 10th especially, the planet Saturn may well apply some brakes or challenges in terms of your liberty or independence of action. So, try to keep control of your emotions – and especially your rebelliousness.
  • NOVEMBER 11 & 12:  The MOON is in PISCES. Perhaps a little bit of a floaty time, where it’s hard to focus on deal with down to earth or practical issues. This could be good for your, or bad, depending on what your intention is. The 12th especially is a day to be open to new things and an expansion of your higher self particularly.
  • NOVEMBER 14:  The MOON is in ARIES. A good day for investing energy in new beginnings or to start a new project. If you lead, they will follow.
  • NOVEMBER 16:  The MOON is in CAPRICORN. Hard work in pursuit of long-term ambitions is the order of the day today. Try to put any frayed emotions behind you and build anew for those better times in the future. All this has to be on your own terms however!
  • NOVEMBER 19:  A FULL MOON is in GEMINI. So keep the chit chat light and flowing today. Nothing too deep, just surface matters. Enjoy the social whirl of friends and communicative colleagues if you can.
  • NOVEMBER 21:  The MOON enters CANCER. A good day for family and domestic issues to take center stage. Maybe a day spent with the kids or whatever you consider to be your “children”, creatively or imaginatively. Emotional sensitivity could be high today.
  • NOVEMBER 24:  The MOON is in LEO.  OK, this is a day for you Leo’s to shine – and even if you’re not a Leo, you should certainly put yourself first if possible and give it a go. Hold the stage and possibly amaze others by your prowess.
  • NOVEMBER 26, 27 & 28:  The MOON is in VIRGO. A good time for dealing with details, crossing the “T’s” and dotting the “I’s”, with anything you’re involved with. It’s also a good time for to attend to any health issues that are worrying you – both in terms of yourself or your loved ones. Probably more a day for attending to the needs of others, rather than yourself, at this time.
  • NOVEMBER 29 & 30:  The MOON enters LIBRA, with the 29th being the 1st day or CHANUKAH.  Could be a great day for socializing and sharing the love wherever you think it needs to go. A good day for serious thinking too, as well as devoting your energies to higher things. End the month on an emotional high spot for a change!

If you love animation and this November 2021 Horoscope, please support Dr. Horace Scope on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/Muse2D.

Startoonz by Tony White

NOTE: Whereas it’s popularly believed that astrologers assert that all people of the same Sign of the Zodiac will experience the same things, it is not so.

When we are born our Birth Chart shows specific sensitive points that are unique to us and us alone. Consequently, when the planets move through the Zodiac on a regular basis, they can trigger those sensitive points for us – which of course means that not everyone in a Sign is affected in the same way at the same time.

Therefore it pays us all to know our personal Birth Charts well!

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