LYNNWOOD, Wash., December 20, 2021 – Lynnwood residents came out in the rain and cold to see Santa as he joined the Lynnwood Police Department (LPD) for its Operation: North Pole Patrol on Friday, December 17.
The Lynnwood PD Operation: North Pole Patrol was inspired by a similar concept from the Everett Fire Department. Joanna Smalls, Public Affairs and Communications Manager for the Lynnwood Police Department, got buy-in from former Police Chief Jim Davis last year and made arrangements with Santa and asked officers to volunteer to be part of the procession around the city. Police Chief Jim Nelson, continued with this new tradition this year!
Not only were Santa and the elves giving out holiday treat bags to kids and providing opportunities for pictures with Commander Claus himself, this is also a food drive to benefit The Lynnwood Food Bank. This year, a truckful of food was collected.
The Lynnwood Police would like to thank the many residents who participated this year and they ho, ho, hope to see all of you and more again this year!

Author: Mario Lotmore