- 9:05 p.m. December 28, 2021: Waste Management announced all garbage pick up services are suspended Wednesday, December 29, 2021.
- 8:48 p.m. December 28, 2021: Republic Services announced all garbage pick up services are suspended Wednesday, December 29, 2021.
SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., December 28, 2021 – Today both Waste Management and Republic Services announced suspension of all garbage and recycling service pickups throughout Snohomish County due to hazardous road conditions from snow earlier this week. Customers are asked to place carts on the curb for pick up the next service day.
Tuesday’s notice from Waste Management reads:
“Attention Tuesday Residential Customers: Your services cannot be provided today. Please pull carts from the curb and place them out on your next regular service day. We will collect materials missed during this delay – no extra charge. This site is your #1 resource for the latest information as conditions change. Please continue to check this site for updates.”
Republic Services Alert reads:
“Due to hazardous road conditions and our commitment to public safety, we have suspended all routes for Tuesday, December 28, 2021. We will be collecting double your regular material at no charge on your next regular service collection day.”
According to the National Weather Service, there is a 40% chance of snow Tuesday night of no more than 0.5 inches. Wednesday is expected to be cloudy with a high near 28 degrees Fahrenheit. An 80% chance of snow is expected Wednesday evening through Thursday of this week with a slight chance of snow after 10pm on Friday night.
Currently, there will be no pickup on New Year’s Day (Saturday) for both Republic Services and Waste Management. Below are links to stay up to date with schedule changes:
- Republic Services:
- Waste Management:

Author: Mario Lotmore
5 Responses
You did not pick up our recycling last week. We’re now a month since the last pickup. Tried to call you but got no service in a half hour. Our road was passable, with all manner of delivery and construction trucks coming through, two days after Christmas. To suspend service for a full week and then not pick up in the next week was totally unconscionable and incompetent. It’s like you were just taking advantage of customers. Meanwhile, we’re still getting charged the same as usual. Where’s the accountability? Heck, I’d settle for a mere pickup at this point. Or even answering a phone call. Terrible service. Or lack of it.
We found this completely incompetent as well. Not sure what is actually going on but in the last 4 weeks our garbage and recycling has only been picked up once! It’s a huge issue. Horrible service