SNOHOMISH—The City of Snohomish has decided to increase the cost of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) by requiring separate sewer and water connections which can add an additional $20,000 to $40,000 to the construction cost of the ADU.

Since the passage of House Bill 1337 (HB 1337) in 2023, cities over 20,000 in population, have been required to pass local ordinances to support ADU development with the goal of providing additional, low cost housing on existing home lots. The legislation allows some flexibility in the specific rules a municipality adopts to regulate ADU construction and use.
The City of Snohomish is following many of the other cities in the region with its rule making process, however, in one area city leaders have decided to make ADU’s less affordable.
Despite the City of Snohomish Planning Commission and the Washington Department of Commerce recommending not to require a separate utility connection impact fee for an ADU, the Snohomish City Council decided to ignore the recommendation and went ahead with requiring a new utility connection.
Councilmembers Karen Kuzak, Lea Ann Burke and David Flynn were in support of the additional fee.
Connection fees can be almost $20,000 for the smallest sewer line according to the cities website. For ADUs that cost an average of $100,000, this represents a tax of 20% of the value of the building. A separate water and sewer connection is not required to meet the requirements of the Washington state accessory dwelling legislation.
It’s not the first time the city has got itself in hot water with the fees charged for sewer services.
In 2014, the City failed to collect $391,620 in mitigation fees from property developers and instead placed a lien on each of the homeowners of 39 homes several years later. The liens ranged from $6,000 to $20,000 each and prevented the homeowners from selling or refinancing their homes. At the time, Mayor Karen Guzak stated the city is “willing to give these people time until they sell their homes or refinance, but we absolutely must collect.’’ The situation was created by the city’s mismanagement of the development fee process, but the residents were still expected to pay. The situation was resolved after considerable public outrage and the city reversed position, deciding the homeowners were not responsible for the city’s mistake.
Representative Suzan DelBene recently secured $3 million in funding for the city to help improve the sewer line infrastructure indicated one of the goals was to reduce the cost of housing in the city. The decision to add significant costs to the construction of an ADU offsets the savings the city could have passed onto homeowners attempting to build affordable ADUs.
If a homeowner chooses to run separate utility lines to an ADU, the regulations support that scenario, but the city should not require a separate utility connection. Requiring a separate connection will drive up the cost of an ADU and ultimately the cost of a rented unit to recover the development costs.
The City of Snohomish should reconsider its position on requiring a separate utility connection for ADUs.
By Mark Harmsworth, Director, Center for Small Business, Washington Policy Center
About Mark Harmsworth

Mark Harmsworth was elected in 2014 to the Washington State House of Representatives where he served two terms. His focus was on transportation and technology, including serving as the ranking member on the House Transportation Committee.
Prior to the legislature, Mark served two terms on the Mill Creek City Council and was elected Mayor Pro-Tem in his last year.
He recently finish serving as a Director on the Everett Community College Foundation Board and currently serves as a Director on the Boys and Girls Club of Snohomish County.
Mark works in the technology industry and is an owner of a small business after completing a long career at Microsoft and Amazon.
Mark and his family live in Mill Creek, Washington.
COMMENTARY DISCLAIMER: The views and comments expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Lynnwood Times nor any of its affiliate

Author: Lynnwood Times Contributor
5 Responses
Thanks Snohomish County for adding fees to property owners for ADUs. You can’t even get permits out in a timely basis already and this will delay the process even longer.
Government officials/representatives need to be called out when running on corporate greed for all the inflation and out of balance high prices on all citizens cost of living from housing, food, fuel and all energy related expenses, Government is the cause for all of these things, the new senseless energy codes for a new home also has driven up the point of sale, to accommodate the code for a average 2000-2500 square ft home is about 40k and they won’t tell you that, they will tell you instead they want to grandstand on stopping cooperate greed, but won’t let you know they are the real problem.
Horrible, horrible rule. I live 1,300’ off the road and was planning on starting my ADU project this fall. That’s not going to happen now. Thanks Snohomish!!
I did not see the name of the person who demanded the rate increase, only the council. Funny how those people manage to remain anonymous, and hide behind the council. I hope the residents clean house next election.
We just moved from Idaho, Were retired in our 70’s.Bought an AUD to put on our sons property in Lake Stevens. Very small AUD 15×44 640 Sq..Ft.. It’s not even here yet.Nothing has been done except a perk test. We started this last May until our house sold. My son’s taxes went up $3000 dollars to an invisible house. From$5800 to$8800. Starting costs for land and permits. $98000. Elaborate septic pump system $ 20,000. New water meter $10,000. New power( PUD) new pole$5000. I wished I hadn’t moved.