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Meta to reinstate account of the 45th POTUS, Donald J Trump

meta trump

JANUARY 25, 2023—Today, Meta announced that after a two-year suspension, it will reinstate both the Facebook and Instagram accounts the 45th President of the United States, Donald J Trump. “Two years ago, we took action in what were extreme and highly unusual circumstances,” Nick Clegg, President, Global Affairs wrote in today’s announcement. “We indefinitely suspended […]

Never Trump Republican congressman threatens cartoon cat on Twitter

catturd Kinzinger

Never Trump Republican and outgoing congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) threatened violence against a popular cartoon cat Twitter account named @catturd2 (or commonly known as Catturd) over a Ukraine meme. Catturd is an anonymous right-leaning satirical social media account and has slightly over 1 million followers. The account was frequently retweeted by the 45th President of […]

Breaking: Elon Musk polls Twitter to unban Trump from platform

twitter trump

Its final…Elon on Saturday announced that he will be reinstating President Trump’s Twitter account after 51.8% of the over 15 million Twitter users voted to bring him back! Elon Musk, the new CEO of Twitter, released a poll on the platform Friday asking users to vote on whether to “reinstate former President Trump” account. As […]

Select Committee subpoenas 45th US President Donald J Trump

donald trump subpoena

Bolton, MS & Wilson, WY., October 22, 2022—Pursuant to a unanimous vote of the Select Committee, Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) and Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) yesterday announced that the Select Committee has issued a subpoena to former President Donald Trump for testimony under oath and records relevant to the Select Committee’s investigation into the […]

Facebook to suspend Trump accounts for Two Years

Facebook suspend Trump

MENLO PARK, Cali., June 4, 2021 – Today Facebook announced it will suspend the Facebook and Instagram accounts of U.S. President Donald J Trump for two years, effective from the date of the initial suspension on January 7, 2021. Upon the completion of the two-year suspension, Facebook will turn to experts to reassess whether to […]

Snohomish church hosts pro-Trump activist Charlie Kirk

The House Church charlie kirk

SNOHOMISH, Wash. – Sunday afternoons are perfect for picnics, catching up with chores or, for those more politically inclined, to see popular conservative speaker Charlie Kirk at The House Church. Lead Pastor DJ Rabe wears a faded denim shirt and dark blue jeans as he welcomes attendees at the door for the May 2 event. […]

Trump to CPAC, Trumpism must define the Republican party in the years ahead

CPAC Donald Trump

By Mario Lotmore  |  Lynnwood Times Staff Orlando, Fla., February 28, 2021 – Former President Donald J Trump, in his keynote address Sunday afternoon at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), delivered an America First message that defined Trumpism as the convictions of the Republican party in the years ahead. During his speech, the former president […]

President Trump to deliver keynote address at CPAC

Donald J Trump

By Mario Lotmore  |  Lynnwood Times Staff UPDATE 12:55 p.m.: Trump will speak at 4:15 p.m. EST (1:15 p.m. PST). Orlando, Fla., – February 28, 2021 – Former President Donald J Trump will be delivering the keynote address Sunday afternoon to close out the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).  This comes in less than six […]

President Donald J Trump farewell speech to the nation

Donald J Trump

By Mario Lotmore | Lynnwood Times Staff WASHINGTON D.C., January 19, 2021 – This afternoon President Donald J Trump delivered his farewell speech to the nation. The president delivered a powerful pro-American message.  He praised the rebuilding of America’s status in the world, and its restoration of sovereignty and heritage. President Trump highlighted his administration’s […]

Liz Cheney censured in Wyoming for her vote to impeach President Trump

Liz Cheney

By Mario Lotmore  |  Lynnwood Times Staff CARBON COUNTY, WY, January 16, 2021 – The Republican Central Committee of Carbon County voted unanimously, 45 to 0, to censure Rep. Liz Cheney (WY) for her vote to impeach President Donald J Trump. Cheney is the elder daughter of Lynne Cheney and former Vice President Dick Cheney. […]

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