October 9, 2024 3:41 pm

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Lynnwood Council presented with a 23 percent city budget increase

lynnwood budget

LYNNWOOD—Questions surrounding deficits, property tax increases, and senior city leadership salaries led the $156 million preliminary 2025-26 biennium general fund budget discussion presented to council members during Monday’s Public Hearing. “So, our two-year revenue is estimated to be $152 million, our two-year expenditure is estimated to be $156 million; so, if I am reading that […]

Public invited to Youth Crime and Gun Violence forum

youth crime

With latest tragedy of gun violence taking the life of 13-year-old Jayda Woods-Johnson on July 3, Lynnwood City Council leadership and Lynnwood Police are hosting a community conversation on youth crime in the city. Community members are encouraged to attend and join the discussion on August 22, at 6 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 6215 196th […]

Council blocks mayor appointment, Lynnwood Police labor contracts approved

mayor appointment

LYNNWOOD—At its Regular Business Meeting, on Monday, August 12, Lynnwood City Council approved the Lynnwood Police Collective Bargaining Agreements and unanimously authorized the mayor to reopen the confirmation process for Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts, preventing her interim appointee from permanently being appointed to the position, for now. “I move that the city […]

Lynnwood unveils new Public Art Collection at upcoming CJC

Lynnwood Public Art

LYNNWOOD—The City of Lynnwood held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Monday, August 12, celebrating the unveiling of seven new public art installations that adorn the side of the upcoming Community Justice and Resource Center. The five art pieces include We Are Not Just Black and White by Melissa Singh Cole, Pollination: A Journey of renewal […]

Embattled congressional candidate has $1,363 in unpaid campaign finance fines

binda pdc

LYNNWOOD—Lynnwood City Councilman Joshua “Josh” Binda still has $1,363 in unpaid Public Disclosure Committee (PDC) fines which include penalties for two separate F1 statement violations and a, still, yet to be paid penalty for using his campaign funds for personal use. The embattled councilman still has yet to file his 2023 annual Financial Disclosure statement. […]

PUD customers deserve a candidate with integrity, vote Julieta

As a longtime Lynnwood resident, I value our parks and the balance we have here between natural beauty and development. I watched the League of Women Voter’s candidate forum with PUD Commissioners and were impressed by all of them, but Julieta Altamirano Crosby stood out as the best person for the job. Besides her extensive […]

Retired Lynnwood Parks Director requests a restart in recruitment process

Lynnwood Parks Director

LYNNWOOD—Former Lynnwood Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Director Lynn Sordel contacted the Lynnwood City Council Tuesday, July 23, requesting they “mandate” Mayor Christine Frizzell to restart the recruitment process in order to fill the vacant Parks Director position he left after retiring back in March. When Sordel retired, Mayor Frizzell transitioned Superintendent Joel Faber into […]

American Capital Group acquires land for new 316-unit Multifamily housing in Lynnwood

mixed-use development

LYNNWOOD—Bellevue-based commercial real estate agency American Capital Group recently acquired most of the land which will be used to build an upcoming, seven-story, 316-unit multifamily apartment project in Lynnwood near Alderwood Mall on 4001 198th Street Southwest. The current property was purchased for a total of $9.5 million last week bringing the total investment by […]

Edmonds College celebrates World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day

LYNNWOOD—The Refugee and Immigrant Services NW held its second annual World Refugee Day on Thursday, June 20, at Edmonds College featuring guest speakers, multicultural performances, and an assortment of delicious foods representing the various cultures that make up Snohomish County’s diverse population. The event was emceed by Betty Koteles, Edmond College’s Latino Outreach Specialist, and […]

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