Lynnwood Launches Community Equity Survey

Help us better understand what our community wants and needs! Take the Community Equity Survey today! ¡Ayúdenos a comprender mejor lo que nuestra comunidad quiere y necesita! ¡Responda a esta encuesta sobre la equidad comunitaria hoy mismo! 우리 커뮤니티가 원하는 것과 필요한 것을 더 잘 알도록 도와 주십시오! 커뮤니티 에퀴티 설문 조사에 오늘 당장 응해 […]
Lynnwood City Council Race and Social Justice Coordinator discussion heats up

By Noel Pai-Young | Lynnwood Times Staff Lynnwood Wash. – The Lynnwood City Council brought in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission (DEI) to have a vigorous discussion about the Lynnwood Race and Social Justice Coordinator Position in their Feb. 16 work session. A motion was raised in the Nov. 23 business meeting by Councilmember […]