February 12, 2025 12:07 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Lynnwood Launches Community Equity Survey

equity survey

Help us better understand what our community wants and needs! Take the Community Equity Survey today! ¡Ayúdenos a comprender mejor lo que nuestra comunidad quiere y necesita! ¡Responda a esta encuesta sobre la equidad comunitaria hoy mismo! 우리 커뮤니티가 원하는 것과 필요한 것을 더 잘 알도록 도와 주십시오! 커뮤니티 에퀴티 설문 조사에 오늘 당장 응해 […]

Lynnwood City Council Race and Social Justice Coordinator discussion heats up

lynnwood city council

By Noel Pai-Young | Lynnwood Times Staff Lynnwood Wash. – The Lynnwood City Council brought in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission (DEI) to have a vigorous discussion about the Lynnwood Race and Social Justice Coordinator Position in their Feb. 16 work session. A motion was raised in the Nov. 23 business meeting by Councilmember […]

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