October 9, 2024 7:15 am

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Retired Mukilteo police officer and veteran becomes Thanksgiving turkey farmer

flying fortress farm

ARLINGTON, Wash., November 22, 2021 — For most Washingtonians, Thanksgiving is the furthest from anyone’s mind in the summer, but for U.S. Air Force veteran and retired Mukilteo Police Officer turned farmer Jeremy Ballinger, that’s when the preparation starts. Each August Ballinger and his family begin raising hundreds of birds in a way most grocery […]

An exclusive interview with Mukilteo Mayor-elect Joe Marine

Joe Marine

MUKILTEO, Wash., November 22, 2021 – A Lynnwood Times exclusive interview with Mukilteo Mayor-elect Joe Marine where he shares with Lynnwood Times reporter Bo John Brusco why his mayoral campaign message resonated with voters, what he hopes to accomplish as mayor, and his Thanksgiving message to Mukilteans.

Getting Grounded in Gratitude

Mindful Monday

Gratefulness: Practicing gratefulness daily can prime our brains to look for more reasons to be grateful which shifts our outlook, perspective, and mood. McCraty and colleagues (1998), in one of their studies on gratitude and appreciation, found that participants who felt grateful showed a marked reduction in the level of cortisol, a stress hormone. They […]

Mukilteo delays 2022 budget passage another week

mukilteo budget

MUKILTEO, Wash., November 20, 2021 – After an over five-hour discussion stretching past midnight, exhausted council members agreed to delay the approval of the 2022 preliminary annual Mukilteo Budget another week, despite the plan to finalize and approve at their Monday meeting, November 15.  The following 2022 Mukilteo Budget proposals were approved by council during […]

Minding Your Senses

Mindful Monday

There is a saying that you can’t give what you don’t have. Taking care of yourself and addressing your needs is a vital part of improving wellbeing, maintaining balance, and preventing burnout. Attending to your own sensory experience in the world is part of taking care of yourself. Mindful Practice – The 5 Senses This […]

Maryland high school teacher Keishia Thorpe wins $1 million Global Teacher Prize

Keishia Thorpe

United States teacher Keishia Thorpe, an immigrant from Jamaica who has opened up college education for low-income, first-generation American, immigrant and refugee students, has been named the winner of the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize 2021, in partnership with UNESCO. According to the Varkey Foundation, the purpose of the Global Teacher Prize is to recognize […]

Mukilteo approves Capital Improvement Plan

Mukilteo budget

MUKILTEO, Wash., November 9, 2021 – Mukilteo city council passed Ordinance 1456, amending the Capital Facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan, and held discussions on the city’s 2022 budget before voting for approval on November 15.  All council members were in attendance except Councilmember Joe Marine who was unable to attend.  Adoption of the Capital […]

Upcoming Mukilteo City Council meeting

mukilteo city council

MUKILTEO, Wash., November 8, 2021 – For its 6 p.m. Monday, November 8 SPECIAL MEETING the Mukilteo City Council will discuss/vote the following items: 2022 Budget: Final Budget Hearing Feedback and Questions AB21-45 Adoption of 2022-2027 Capital Improvement Plan Ordinance 1456 AB21-95 3rd Quarter Financial Review AB21-115 Click here to view the full council agenda packet. Watch […]

Why I’m voting NO on Harris and you should too

Louis harris

Opinion/Letter to the Editor Mukilteo is home to approximately 21,000 residents. We love our community, our schools, and our police department. We enjoy beautiful scenery, hospitality, and quiet neighborhoods in our peaceful way of life which is why Mukilteo was named under then-mayor Joe Marine’s leadership as one of the top ten best small cities […]

Vote for Joe for Mayor of Mukilteo

Joe Marine

Opinion/Letter to the Editor I am going to vote to re-elect Joe Marine for mayor of Mukilteo because of what he wants to do for our city: Annex only the best properties to enhance Mukilteo’s growth, Ensure that Paine Field does not become a congested SEATAC clone, Reinstate tools on the city’s website to guarantee […]

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