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Shawn Yanity, former chair of the Stillaguamish tribe honored

shawn yanity

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., January 4, 2022 – The Snohomish County Council recognized Shawn Yanity, former chair of the Stillaguamish tribe for his over 20 years of leadership and service to the community. The resolution adopted December 20, 2021 was brought forward by its sponsor County Councilman Nate Nehring and seconded by then-Council Vice Chair Megan […]

Low and Nehring sworn in for second terms on Snohomish County Council

Sam Low

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., December 22, 2021 –Both republican Snohomish County Councilmen Sam Low and Nate Nehring took their oaths of office today to commence their second terms on the county council. Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Edirin Okoloko administered the oath for Sam Low in front of the Snohomish County Administrative Building at 11:30 a.m. […]

Over 50 elected leaders demand a public vote on Snohomish County sales tax increase

snohomish sales tax

UPDATE: [9:54 a.m. Dec 15, 2021] Lynnwood Mayor Christine Frizzell sends letter of support to county council. SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., December 14, 2021 – Ahead of Wednesday’s county council vote, 58 local elected officials from 20 jurisdictions throughout Snohomish County have signed a letter opposing the effort to increase the countywide sales tax in Snohomish […]

Producer inflation surges to 11-year high of 9.6% for November

producer inflation

WASHINGTON D.C., December 14, 2021 – Today, in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics release of its Producer Price Index (PPI), wholesale inflation rose to an 11-year high of 9.6 percent for the 12 months ended in November. This comes on the heels of last Friday’s announcement by the Bureau of a 6.8% 40-year high […]

County poised to pass 0.1% sales tax as inflation hits 40-year high

snohomish sales tax

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., December 13, 2021 – Just weeks after the Snohomish County Council approved its $1.25 billion 2022 budget on November 9, County Executive Dave Somers along with County Council Chair Stephanie Wright and County Council Vice Chair Megan Dunn propose a county-wide 0.1% sales tax for affordable housing programs. If adopted, some Snohomish […]

County Council adopts Nehring and Mead plan to electrify county fleet

electric fleet

EVERETT, Wash., November 5, 20201 – On Wednesday morning, the Snohomish County Council voted 5-0 to adopt a fleet electrification plan which was jointly proposed by Councilmembers Nate Nehring and Jared Mead. This carbon-reduction proposal includes a policy change and funding allocation dedicated to transitioning 96 county vehicles toward electrification in the coming years. As […]

Election 2021: Winners, losers, and too close to call

2021 general election

ARTICLE UPDATES 7:15 PM Nov 9, 2021: Updated results and added statements from Gary Petershagen, Will Chen, and John Kartak. LT calls election for Gary Petershagen and Shirley Sutton. County has counted 181,510 ballots to a total return of 185,228 ballots. 8:00 PM Nov 5, 2021: Updated results and added statement from Joshua Binda. Lynnwood […]

Nehring introduces housing affordability legislation in Snohomish County

housing affordability

EVERETT, Wash., September 30, 2021 – Yesterday, Snohomish County Councilmember Nate Nehring presented the final piece of a suite of legislation aimed at promoting housing affordability in Snohomish County. The proposal is the last of four separate housing affordability ordinances and would reduce duplicative review steps as well as the overall cost of housing projects. […]

Councilmembers Nehring and Low discuss broadband with FCC Chair


EVERETT, Wash., August 27, 2021 – This morning, Snohomish County Councilmembers Nate Nehring and Sam Low joined Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) for a conversation about rural broadband with Acting FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. The meeting, held via Zoom, included select broadband stakeholders sharing their collective goal of expanding reliable broadband access to residents and businesses […]

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