February 6, 2025 8:07 am

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City council candidate challenges opponent’s eligibility; Auditor dismisses non-resident claims


Photos of Lynnwood City Council Position 5 candidates Julieta Altamirano-Crosby (left) and Rosamaria Graziani (right). Graziani alleges Crosby does not meet the state requirements for elective office.
Photos of Lynnwood City Council Position 5 candidates Julieta Altamirano-Crosby (left) and Rosamaria Graziani (right). Graziani alleges Crosby does not meet the state requirements for elective office.

On May 29, a voter registration challenge was filed with the Snohomish County Auditor’s office by Lynnwood City Council candidate Rosamaria Graziani against Julieta Altamirano-Crosby, an opponent for the District 5 council seat. The challenge alleges that Crosby does not reside at the Lynnwood address listed on her voter registration record and instead resides in Mukilteo.

In a voter registration challenge based on residency, the individual bringing the challenge must provide proof of the voter’s actual residence or submit evidence of due diligence to verify the candidate does not reside at the address he or she claims.

According to RCW 29A.08.810 and documents provided by the Snohomish County Auditor’s office, anyone wishing to challenge a voter’s residency must complete all of the following steps: (1) Send a letter with ‘return service requested’ to all known addresses for the voter; (2) Search local telephone directories to determine whether the voter maintains a telephone listing at any address in the county; (3) Search the county auditor property records to determine whether the voter owns property in the county; (4) Search the statewide voter registration database to determine if the voter is registered at any other address in the state; and (5) Visit the voter’s listed residential address. As proof that the voter doesn’t live there, the challenger must submit a signed affidavit from anyone who owns, manages, resides, or is employed at the address stating that, to his/her personal knowledge, the voter does not reside at the address.

According to an official document from the Snohomish County Auditor’s office, the challenge was dismissed, on grounds that the challenge was incomplete and did not support factual allegations. Snohomish County Elections Manager Garth Fell agreed with the auditor’s finding and stated that Graziani did not provide the supporting documents for her challenge.

When asked to provide a statement regarding the dismissal, Graziani stated, “The auditor dismissed my challenge because I lacked an affidavit from a neighbor saying that Crosby lived in Mukilteo. People don’t like to sign affidavits.”

Graziani stated that according to RCW 35A.12.030, a person must be a resident of the city for at least one year preceding his or her election to be eligible for elective office.

“According to county property records, Julieta Crosby owned a house in Mukilteo until March 2019. An October 28, 2018 Herald article shows Crosby at her home in Mukilteo, with no mention of a pending move. Crosby changed her voter registration to Lynnwood on May 16, 2019, one day before filing for Lynnwood Council. This indicates to me that she was not a Lynnwood resident as required for elective office in Lynnwood.”

Crosby has provided the Lynnwood Times with a certificate of occupancy dated September 17, 2018, and Facebook postings dated as early as October 2018 showing Crosby and friends at her current home in Lynnwood.

According to the Snohomish County Assessor’s office, Crosby’s current Lynnwood residence was purchased in February, 2018, for $375,000. Both Julieta Altamirano-Crosby and her husband Patrick Crosby are listed on the deed. Their Mukilteo home was listed for sale in September, 2018, and sold in March, 2019, for $630,000.

The Lynnwood Times reached out to the city of Lynnwood for clarification of Graziani’s claim citing RCW 35A.12.030, which states that a person must be a resident of the city for at least one-year preceding the date of election to be eligible for elective office. Lynnwood Public Affairs Officer Julie Moore stated the city’s interpretation of the RCW was “one year preceding his/her election, so in this case November [2018].”

When asked for a statement, Crosby replied, “I meet the residency and all other requirements to run for city council. The Snohomish County Auditor has already dismissed my opponent’s unfounded claim.”

Mario Lotmore
Author: Mario Lotmore

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9 Responses

  1. According to public voting records, Crosby voted in November 2018 as a Mukilteo resident. That means she was not a Lynnwood resident in November 2018 and she can’t run for office in Lynnwood.

  2. I think Lynnwood Candidate Julieta Altamirano-Crosby owes the voters of Lynnwood an explanation as to why she changed her voter registration from Mukilteo to Lynnwood on 05/16/2019, the day before she registered as a candidate in Lynnwood on 05/17/2019.

    I’m glad we have so many candidates running in Lynnwood, and that there is interest to serve in our community. Just curious as to why she made the change the same week as filing and how long she’s actually been a part of the community? Lynnwood is not Mukilteo.

    This is something that warrants a frank conversation and a clear explanation. If you want to be a leader in a community, you have to be a part of the community, preferably for more that 1 day….. IMHO

  3. Councilmember Ian Cotton,
    Many Lynnwood voters are still waiting on hearing your explanation on supporting racist propaganda in your last election. The propaganda that supported both you and Rosa Maria for City Council. I will request again, please stop speaking on behalf of Lynnwood and the voters, We have our own voices.

    1. Elizabeth.

      I refute your claim. I have both; never supported racist propaganda and have from the Dias (public record) denounced the propaganda of which you speak.

      It is an unfortunate condition of public service that people will use your name regardless of it being correct or not.

      Asking for an explanation as to why this candidates voter status was changed From Mukilteo to Lynnwood on 5/16/19, the day before filing should not have you up in arms. It should have you curious as well IMHO.

  4. Elizabeth.

    I refute your claim. I have both; never supported racist propaganda and have from the Dias (public record) denounced the propaganda of which you speak.

    It is an unfortunate condition of public service that people will use your name regardless of it being correct or not.

    Asking for an explanation as to why this candidates voter status was changed From Mukilteo to Lynnwood on 5/16/19, the day before filing should not have you up in arms. It should have you curious as well IMHO.

  5. Ian.
    What should have me up in arms is that my council member is on crusade to character assassinate one of his fellow constituents. The matter of when Julieta changed her voter registration is as important as when she changed her cable provider to her new house. You get to it, when you get to it. Neither are qualifications to run for office.

    Before you refute anything let me refresh you on the reality of the situation. 3 days before the end of the last election, your friends dispersed racist propaganda around town and you remained silent. During this time when your opponent who was and still is only a citizen approached the author, you stepped in and gave the propaganda credibility saying the material “Is true”. That’s supporting it. Then the first council meeting after you won, you lacked the courage to even attend the meeting. You used that material to win. This would make a “whopping” second election where you tear the opponents of your friends, the old guard down. You can’t get an explanation, if you refute the truth IMHO.

    1. Elizabeth,

      Once again I must insist that you are wrong.

      Your recollection of events is incorrect and I feel as if they are skewed on purpose so that you can continue your personal crusade of attacking my character.

      All I can do is ask that you cease and desist your lies and half-truths. If you persist in spreading lies I would ask the moderator to remove any further posts by you that continue this behavior of slander and hate.

      As for your claims to associate voter status with changing service providers, I think your making an incorrect over simplification.

      I don’t pretend to speak for anyone but myself. I think an explanation is still warranted.

      Changing voter status on 5/16 and registering as a candidate to represent the community on 5/17, a day later warrants a frank explanation IMHO.


  6. Ian,
    If you must insist on telling me how am I wrong, please tell me how? There is not a single lie, half truth or whatever tactic you are using to divert accountable onto me. Lets break it down like engineers.

    A) When did you find out about the propaganda?
    B) When did you denounce it?
    C) When was the end of the election?

    A = B <= C = OK otherwise A < B > C = BS

    A leader with integrity would have denounced it right away. Waiting till the end of the election so the propaganda would impact the election was wrong. Council member Ben Goodwin denounced propaganda as soon as he found about it in his second election. The same author wrote propaganda in favor to get Ben re-elected. Ben did the right thing. You on the other hand silently let that propaganda be disturbed and effect the election as members of our community were hurt by the racist material that was printed in it.

    If you haven’t learned from the last election, I’m curious how low can you go? If the comments on this page and Facebook is indicative of your behavior for this election, it shows that you are not starting off very high.

  7. Eilizabeth
    You must be speaking for big money interests again.
    Many of us remember how in 2016, the Mayor, Chris Boyer, Shannon Sessions, and Ruth Ross voted to terminate the Diversity Commission stating it was not necessary to have a Diversity Commission. LYNNWOOD HAD NO DIVERSITY COMMISSION FOR OVER 17 MONTHS. We had no representation, no voice for 17 months.

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