August 31, 2024 10:49 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Prolific vehicle prowler arrested

edmonds police department

Information from the community helps police locate and pursue suspect By Sergeant Josh McClure | Edmonds Police Department A 24-year old Lynnwood man was booked into the Snohomish County Jail in connection with multiple vehicle prowls in the Edmonds-Woodway and Five Corners area. During the early morning hours of Monday, May 25th, Edmonds officers were […]

Face coverings: how to wear them, how to wash them

by Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff On May 18, 2020, a directive in King County was released strongly urging individuals to wear face coverings in grocery stores, retail stores, take-out restaurants, public transportation vehicles and other public areas. Soon after this, Snohomish County put out a similar recommendation to county residents. “There are many […]

Attractive Home: Once and done!

Celese Lui

By Erin Freeman | Lynnwood Times Many of you may be unaware of the specific protocols necessary to make their disinfectant process effective. While the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily suspended operations of the Lynnwood based home cleaning business Attractive Home, the company is sharing tips on the proper steps to clean and disinfect in-home surfaces. […]

A new sheriff in town

Dr. Chris Spitters

By Mario Lotmore | Lynnwood Times Staff On Thursday, May 21, the Snohomish County Board of Health approved by a vote of 11 to 4 to give Snohomish County health officer, Dr. Christopher Spitters, the authority to pursue legal action against businesses that do not follow his COVID-19/health directives. This was a special meeting on […]

Snohomish Health District employee receives prestigious WSEHA award

Brenna Hoppe

By Mario Lotmore | Lynnwood Times Staff Brenna Hoppe, an environmental health specialist with the Snohomish Health District, was presented virtually with the “Rookie of the Year” award from the Washington State Environmental Health Association. “I was very surprised and honored to have been recognized for this award. My time here at the Snohomish Health […]

South County Fire holds parade for 3-year-old Lynnwood boy

by Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff On May 19, the Make-A-Wish Foundation and South County Fire honored Eli Kincaid, 3, with a parade of South County Fire vehicles. Kincaid suffers from Alexander Disease. Kincaid was originally going to go to Disney World, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, the park has been shut down. Make-A-Wish […]

Celebrate EMS Week

EMS Week

By Leslie Hynes | South County Fire, Public Information Officer South County Fire is celebrating Emergency Medical Services Week online this year. “Since we can’t invite you to your neighborhood fire station for our EMS Week Open House, we are having a virtual open house on our website to showcase the services your firefighters provide,” […]

EdCC awards scholarships to Community Read winners

Edmonds Community College

By Sam Fox | Marketing and Communications Coordinator LYNNWOOD, Wash. — The Edmonds College Foundation awarded $3,600 in scholarships to four students — Jangmi “Esther” Hong, Osbaldo Perez, Israel “Scott” Rehaume, and Katie Sisson — as part of the college’s annual Community Read program. “I commend these students for their creativity and dedication to learning […]

DOH admits inflated COVID-19 death numbers

COVID-19 deaths

By Maxford Nelson | Freedom Foundation Press Release On May 21 officials at the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) confirmed that, as the Freedom Foundation reported on Monday, the state is counting in its COVID-19 death total the deaths of persons who tested positive for the virus but died from other causes. In remarks […]

City eying early separation as budget shortfalls projected

Lynnwood City Council

By Erin Freeman | Lynnwood Times Staff City Council considers voluntary early separation and budget policy changes to fill $1.8 million revenue gap  The city of Lynnwood held a virtual special finance meeting on May 14 to discuss city incentives and budget policy changes to confront the $5 million general fund shortfall imposed by COVID-19. […]

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