Support 7 unveils new emergency response vehicle

LYNNWOOD—Support 7 unveiled its newest emergency response vehicle on Tuesday, November 12, which will support first responders, victims and families experiencing trauma by offering a safe space away from the elements, media and public eye. It will also provide access to critical services when disaster hits. The 2024 model RV has a Winnebago box with […]
Support 7 raises $100,000 at third annual reception and auction

LYNNWOOD, Wash., April 17, 2024—Support 7 held its 3rd annual reception and auction at Community Life Center in Lynnwood on Saturday, April 13 hosted by former Lynnwood City Councilwoman, and current Support 7 Executive Director, Shannon Sessions. The annual fundraising event consisted of a silent auction, hearty appetizers, guest speakers, fundraising activities and an award […]
Flags given to Support 7 to honor veterans on death scenes

The Edmonds Peter Puget Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution donated American flags recently to the non-profit organization Support 7 so that on-scene First Responder Chaplains could honor Veterans, their families by being able to shroud their Veteran loved one with dignity while family and Support 7 wait for funeral or medical examiner […]
Public invited to annual Support 7 fundraiser on April 22

It’s time to register for the 2nd Annual Support 7 Reception and Auction that supports first responders and victims of trauma in person, on-scene 24/7/365. The event will begin 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 22, at Community Life Center, 19820 Scriber Lake Rd Suite #2, Lynnwood. Tickets are $75 per person or $600 per table […]
Lynnwood Elks donate to Support 7 to assist trauma victims

LYNNWOOD, Wash., March 23, 2023—Lynnwood Elks Lodge #2171 recently donated $4,000 to Support 7 allowing the non-profit to continue serving South Snohomish County communities in crisis, and first responders, in-person, on-the-scene during an emergency. Since 1981, Support 7 has been serving the South Snohomish County community and its fire and police agencies by providing a […]
Support 7 to offer grief support through virtual chaplains

Support 7 to offer grief support through virtual chaplainsBy Erin Freeman | Lynnwood Times Staff A local Lynnwood nonprofit is finding creative ways to continue service after temporarily stopping in-person assistance. Support 7, Lynnwood’s mobile comfort facility at on-scene events of trauma, will be changing the way they partner with the South County Fire Chaplains […]
First Annual Support 7 dinner

By LUKE PUTVIN | Last Updated October 31, 2019 Over 300 people attended the first annual Support 7 dinner at Westgate Chapel in Edmonds. Support 7 is a non-profit organization that has been serving South Snohomish County since 1981 as well as “helping victims, survivors and their families move from crisis and trauma to hope […]
Larsen supports Taxpayer Data Protection Act to protect Americans’ Privacy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) on Friday, February 7, joined House Democrats to introduce the Taxpayer Data Protection Act, which will stop people with conflicts of interest or without a security clearance from accessing the highly sensitive Treasury Department payment system. The Treasury payment system is responsible for Social Security and Medicare benefits. “An unelected […]
City of Lynnwood launches program to support small businesses

LYNNWOOD—The City of Lynnwood Development & Business Services Department (DBS) is excited to announce the launch of its Small Business Development Program designed to support local businesses as they grow and succeed. The program will offer a variety of technical assistance services, including business development workshops, financial guidance and support for accessing lending options, marketing […]
Lynnwood City Council 5-minute Recap: January 27, 2025

LYNNWOOD—During Monday’s Lynnwood City Council Business Meeting on January 27, Mayor Christine Frizzell, in addressing the allegations that Council Vice President Josh Binda may not be a Lynnwood resident, stated that she confirmed via voter registration that Joshua Binda is a resident within the city of Lynnwood. However, a review of the state voter registration […]