February 18, 2025 10:33 pm

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Lynnwood Councilwoman Escamilla breaks silence on alleged association with criminals

Derica Escamilla

LYNNWOOD—Lynnwood City Council’s newest member, Derica Escamilla, cleared the air about some recent allegations regarding some of her close family and friends’ criminal histories. In early November, an anonymous letter was sent to the Lynnwood City Attorney’s Office, Lynnwood Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Lynnwood Municipal Court Judge Valerie Boufflou, Lynnwood Police Chief Cole Langdon, Lynnwood Mayor […]

Lynnwood adopts city budget with a 52% property tax increase

lynnwood tax increase

Last week, by a vote of 4-3, the Lynnwood City Council passed a City property tax increase of 52%. That large of an increase is something I could not vote for and as City Council President, I am concerned about the impact on residents with such a tremendous tax increase. Please, I want to be […]

Council blocks mayor appointment, Lynnwood Police labor contracts approved

mayor appointment

LYNNWOOD—At its Regular Business Meeting, on Monday, August 12, Lynnwood City Council approved the Lynnwood Police Collective Bargaining Agreements and unanimously authorized the mayor to reopen the confirmation process for Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts, preventing her interim appointee from permanently being appointed to the position, for now. “I move that the city […]

Lynnwood designates Cheri Ryan as City Historian

Cheri Ryan

LYNNWOOD—Cheri Ryan was presented the Keys to the City and designated Lynnwood’s official “City Historian” during the City Council Meeting on Monday, June 10. “Her work and her family’s dedication to [the] Lynnwood and Alderwood Manor area has enriched al of the lives of Lynnwoodians across our parks system,” Lynnwood Parks, Rec, and Cultural Arts […]

Lynnwood redacts Parks Director applications in wake of transparency concerns

Lynnwood Parks Director

LYNNWOOD—In following up with some City of Lynnwood staff members’, and former staff members’, concerns over the city’s lack of transparency related to executive leadership position appointments, the Lynnwood Times requested to see all applications of those applying, and interviewing, for the vacant Parks Director position left when former Director Lynn Sordel’s retired; however, all […]

Lynnwood Mayor faces criticism in recent appointments and a force retirement

Lynnwood Mayor

LYNNWOOD—When former Lynnwood Parks & Recreation Director Lynn Sordel officially retired from his position on March 15, he was disappointed by Mayor Christine Frizzell’s decision to place Joel Faber as interim Director instead of his, and his staff’s, recommendation to transition Deputy Director Sarah Olson into the role of Director. Now, some city staff members, […]

Housing Hope celebrates Groundbreaking for new Madrona Highlands in Edmonds

Madrona Highlands

EDMONDS, Wash., May 24, 2023—Well over one hundred residents attended Housing Hope’s groundbreaking ceremony for its new 52-unit affordable housing community, Madrona Highlands, on Tuesday, May 23, in South Edmonds. The $30 million dollar project will be the first of its kind for Housing Hope by working with churches owning “excessive land,” in south Snohomish […]

Lynnwood approves ARPA funds to tackle gang-related graffiti

lynnwood graffiti

LYNNWOOD, Wash., March 1, 2023—The Lynnwood City Council approved several uses of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds during their business meeting on February 27.  The largest of these was a $388,432 request for ARPA funds made by the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts Department for efforts to combat graffiti and passed in a 6-0 […]

Lynnwood Council fails to overturn veto of car tab relief

car tab relief

LYNNWOOD, November 14, 2022—At a somewhat contentious Business Meeting, the Lynnwood City Council on Monday did not secure the five votes needed to overturn Mayor Christine Frizzell veto of the $40 car tab relief, Ordinance 3416, that passed on October 24. Councilwoman Shirley Sutton was not present at the meeting. “After spending these last couple […]

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