February 18, 2025 9:50 pm

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Lynnwood Councilman tells PDC he doesn’t know how to write checks to pay fines

binda PDC

OLYMPIA, Wash., July 9, 2023—During a Brief Adjudicative Proceeding on Thursday, July 6, with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), Lynnwood Councilman Josh Binda was found in violation of failing to file his Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1) timely and fined $300 that will be suspended with the condition that he pays $1,250 (and […]

Lynnwood Councilman under new campaign finance investigation by Washington state

campaign finance binda

OLYMPIA, Wash., May 5, 2023—The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) today has opened a new enforcement case against Lynnwood City Councilman Joshua Binda for failure to file his 2022 Personal Financial Affairs Disclosure Statement (F-1 report) on time. Also, according to PDC records, Councilman Binda has failed to pay any of the $1,250 in […]

Binda found guilty of violating public disclosure laws, fined $1,000


OLYMPIA, Wash., January 26, 2023—The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) found Lynnwood Councilman Joshua Binda guilty of two separate PDC violations and imposed a $1,000 fine at its public hearing Thursday, January 26. The violations include using $2,742 of campaign funds for personal use (RCW 42.17A.445 and WAC 390-16-238) related expenditures as well as […]

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