LYNNWOOD — For its BUSINESS MEETING at 6 p.m. on August 8, the Lynnwood City Council will vote on issuing additional funding for the Community Justice Center and approve various ordinances. This meeting will be held both in-person and electronically by Zoom or Lynnwood, WA Video Archive (
To review the agenda items in detail, click here.
Executive Session
Under RCW 42.30.110, the council will receive a briefing on potential litigation. Inside sources have confirmed with the Lynnwood Times that this is in relation to the May 10, 2022, investigation of a council member.
Collective Bargaining Negotiations – CLOSED SESSION
Lori Charles, HR Manager and Michelle Meyer, Finance Director will present a briefing on labor negotiations to the council.
Ordinance Authorizing 2022 Bond Issuance
The council will discuss/vote on a new Bond Authorizing Ordinance as prepared by the City’s Bond Counsel, sets the parameters for the 2022 LTGO bond issuance to refund the 2012 LTGO Bonds, issue an additional $8.9 million towards the construction of the CJC, and issue an additional $4 million for the property acquisition of the future Town Square Park.
On June 24, 2021, the City issued LTGO Bonds to fund construction of the Community Justice Center (CJC) in accordance with the parameters established in Bond Authorizing Ordinance No. 3387 adopted on March 22, 2021. Due to supply chain and material cost impacts resulting from the ongoing pandemic, construction bids for the CJC were higher than anticipated. Council approved the construction contract on September 13, 2021, with the understanding that additional bond financing would need to be issued for the project in conjunction with the anticipated 2022 refunding issuance.
Bond Authorizing Ordinance 3407 was adopted on December 13, 2021, to allow for the refunding of the 2012 bond and issue additional funds for the CJC.
Ordinance: Complete Streets
The council will discuss/vote on the adoption of the Complete Streets Ordinance. This ordinance will allow for the development to improve walking and biking conditions; support developing a safer, more efficient transportation system; and provide safer access to schools and parks in Lynnwood.
Lynnwood Convention Center Use Day Approvals
Staff opened a call for requests for convention center use days receiving eight applications. Four of those applications meet the intention of use days and have event days which are available for use at the convention center.
A review of the applications, discussions with applicants, and coordination with the Convention Center for availability, results in a staff recommendation to seek Council authorization to approve the following Convention Center Use Day Requests:
- WAGRO Day of the Dead Celebration, 10/29/22, 8 hours, full day
- Pacifica Chamber Orchestra Classical Music for All, 1/21/23, 1 hour, half day
- International Women’s Day Break the Bias, 3/4/23, 4 hours, full day
- Verdant Community Verdant Cares, 11/5/22, 3 hours, half day
The council will vote to authorize the Mayor or her designee to approve, coordinate, and execute contracts with the Lynnwood Convention Center utilizing the City’s LCC Use Days provided for in the interlocal agreement with the Lynnwood Public Facilities District for the aforementioned events.

Author: Mario Lotmore
2 Responses
What ever happened to the council “Investigation” that was supposed to be made public?
I was thinking the same thing as Jay. What the heck is going on? Nothing has been heard.