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Election 2021: Winners, losers, and too close to call


  • 7:15 PM Nov 9, 2021: Updated results and added statements from Gary Petershagen, Will Chen, and John Kartak. LT calls election for Gary Petershagen and Shirley Sutton. County has counted 181,510 ballots to a total return of 185,228 ballots.
  • 8:00 PM Nov 5, 2021: Updated results and added statement from Joshua Binda. Lynnwood Pos 1, Shirley Sutton increases lead to 93 votes against Nick Coelho. Edmonds’ Will Chen takes 125 vote lead over Janelle Cass. Mill Creek’s Holtzclaw maintains lead over Cooke by 19 votes. Monroe’s Walker gains on Scarboro. LT calls election for Liz Vogeli, Paula Rhyne, Marcus Tageant, Ben Mahnkey, and Rami Al-kobra. County has counted 180,704 ballots to a total return of 184,424 ballots. Lake Stevens voters approve fireworks within city limits.
  • 6:30 PM Nov 5, 2021: The Snohomish County Auditor’s Office has confirmed with Lynnwood Times that today’s 5 p.m. election results have been delayed to count a majority of ballots before the weekend. This decision was made to “hopefully help candidate see how they are doing.”
  • 6:00 PM Nov 4, 2021: Updated results and added statements from Kristiana Johnson, Steve Ewing and Linda Redmon. Called election for Joshua Binda.
  • 7:35 AM Nov 4, 2021: Added Sam Low statement.
  • 5:47 PM Nov 3, 2021: Latest results as on November 3, 2021. The Lynnwood Times called elections for Mukilteo candidates.
  • 1:15 PM Nov 3, 2021: Added statements from Frizzell, and Decker and Nate Nehring.

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., November 2, 2021 – Today was the last day hundreds of thousands of Snohomish County residents cast their ballot to vote in the 2021 General Election for county and local elections.

Below are key races to watch in Snohomish County for the 2021 election season. An “I” after a candidate’s name in the tables below signifies an incumbent.

Initial results as of 8:15 p.m., Tuesday, November 2, have several candidates leading their race and a few races we can call.  Results are based on ballots counted as of Tuesday, November 2. General election results will be certified November 23. The Lynnwood Times will be updating the election results daily by 6 p.m.

Below are the unofficial daily results for all of Snohomish County:


For District 1 (Turnout – 34.22%)

Nate Nehring
  • Nate Nehring (I)- 70.21% (winner)
  • Nicole Ng-A-Qui – 29.67%

Nate Nehring: “I’m honored by the trust the voters have placed in me by electing me to a second term on the County Council.

“Now that the election is over, I’m excited to continue working on the issues that matter most to Snohomish County residents. There are plenty of challenges we face in our region but I am confident that we can overcome them by focusing on common-sense solutions supported by the public.”

For District 4 (Turnout – 34.93%)

  • Jared M. Mead (I) – 61.30% (winner)
  • Brenda Carrington – 38.56%

For Position 5 (Turnout – 39.29%)

  • Sam Low (I) – 60.57% (winner)
  • Brandy Donaghy – 39.35% 

Sam Low: “I want to thank the voters and my wife for overwhelmingly supporting my re-election to the Snohomish County Council. In addition, I want to thank my opponent for running a good hard race focused on the issues. I will continue working hard for everyone in District 5.”

Sam Low
Sam Low with supporters during his victory party at Nachos in Lake Stevens on November 2, 2021. Lynnwood Times/Mario Lotmore.

CITY OF ARLINGTON (Turnout – 28.91%)

For Position 1

  • (unopposed) Heather Logan – 94.60% (winner)

For Position 2

  • (unopposed) Don Vanney (I) – 96.38%

For Position 3

  • Debora Nelson (I) – 56.79% (winner)
  • Avery Hufford – 42.11%

For Position 7

  • (unopposed) Jan Schuette (I) – 94.61% (winner)

CITY OF BOTHELL (incl. King Co., Turnout – 41.17%)

For Position 1

  • Jeanne Zornes (I) – 52.09% (winner)
  • Han Tran – 47.58%

For Position 3

  • Rosemary McAuliffe (I) – 42.17%
  • Jenne Alderks – 57.19%  (winner)

For Position 5

  • Ben Mahnkey – 51.07% (winner)
  • Matt Kuehn – 48.56%

For Position 7

  • Beca Nistrian – 47.64%
  • Rami Al-Kabra – 51.97% (winner)

CITY OF EDMONDS (Turnout – 50.71%)

For Position 1

  • Alicia Crank – 46.49%
  • Kristiana Johnson (I) – 53.25% (winner)
Councilwoman Kristiana Johnson. Source: Kristiana Johnson.

Kristiana Johnson: “I appreciate the support of the Edmonds Voters.  I love this town and want to continue to serve you. 

“It often takes a long time to get projects done. I am seeing some dirt at Civic field  and want to see progress on other big projects in the City. It is time to redevelop Highway 99, restore the Marsh, and preserve our historic downtown.

“Thank you Edmonds voters!”

For Position 2

  • Janelle Cass – 49.52%
  • Will Chen – 50.35% (winner)

For Position 3

  • Adrienne Fraley Monillas (I) – 36.75%
  • Neil Tibbott – 62.93% (winner)


Mayor (Turnout – 30.88%)

  • Cassie Franklin (I) – 72.61% (winner)
  • Steve Oss – 26.59%

For District 1 (Turnout – 35.65%)

  • Mary Fosse – 60.95% (winner)
  • Paul Roberts (I) – 38.05%

For District 2 (Turnout – 32.09%)

  • Paula Rhyne – 52.84% (winner)
  • Greg Lineberry – 46.43%

For District 3 (Turnout – 35.22%)

  • Don Schwab – 77.61% (winner)
  • Lacey Sauvageau – 21.79%

For Position 4 (Turnout – 22.11%)

  • Liz Vogeli (I) – 52.38% (winner)
  • Tommie Rubatino – 47.28%

For Position 5 (Turnout – 26.94%)

  • Ben Zarlingo – 58.70% (winner)
  • Demi Chatters – 40.62%

CITY OF LAKE STEVENS (Turnout – 35.68%)

City of Lake Stevens Proposition No. 1: Should the possession, sale and discharge of consumer fireworks be made illegal within the city limits of the city of Lake Stevens?

  • Yes – 47.68%
  • No – 52.32%

For Position 1

  • Kim Daughtry (I) – 57.05% (winner)
  • Michele Hampton – 42.53%

For Position 2

  • Gary Petershagen (I) – 50.62% (winner)
  • Joyce Copley – 49.01%
May be an image of 1 person and outdoors
Gary Petershagen. Source: Gary Petershagen.

Gary Petershagen: “Thank you to all who voted for me and have the confidence in me to represent their voices, concerns and issues.

“A special thanks to my wife for her support throughout the campaign. I will continue to be a strong advocate for a safe community by supporting our law enforcement. Additionally, I will continue on the path of encouraging economic development in order that the City can move forward with solutions.

“Again, thank you. I look forward to serving our community for four more years.”

For Position 6

  • Steve Ewing (I)  – 58.19% (winner)
  • Jessica Wadhams – 41.52%
Steve Ewing. Source: Steve Ewing.

Steve Ewing: “It is an honor to be reelected to continue to serve my community on the Lake Stevens City Council.  Having such high levels of support from citizens who contributed in countless ways to the campaign is truly humbling.

“Thank you to all of the citizens who voted, and to my opponent Jessica Wadhams who worked so hard on her campaign. I’m eternally grateful for my wife’s love and support. A friend gave her flowers on election night and thanked her for supporting me. This act of kindness was one of many and is representative of this outstanding Lake Stevens community we call home.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to do my part in making a positive impact for everyone who calls Lake Stevens home.”

For Position 7

  • Marcus A. Tageant (I) – 52.16% (winner)
  • Joseph Jensen – 47.49%

CITY OF LYNNWOOD (Turnout – 34.32%)

For Mayor

  • Christine Frizzell – 53.55% (winner)
  • Jim Smith – 46.04%
Christine Frizzell

Christine Frizzell: “First and foremost, I thank God for this journey. In 2014, He began directing my footsteps toward this day and all praise goes to Him.”

“I thank my daughters Janine and Denise – for the wonderful women they are, for their attitudes and conversations that have greatly added to my vision, and for their support of me and this campaign.

“I am tremendously thankful to Nicola Smith who initially put the idea of a mayoral run in my head. I want to warmly thank the rest of my Campaign Team headed by Wally Webster, and our hired consultant, Sam Gutierrez of Argo Strategies who have worked so hard over the last year and a half. 
I am deeply indebted to the energetic group of volunteers who door knocked over 6,000 voters’ doors with me (rain or shine, in June heat and October chill), those who put together door knock packets, put up signs, waved signs, lit dropped, and encouraged me every step of the way. I so appreciate those who believed in me enough to publicly endorse my run for Mayor and for the many donors who gave financially to make this idea a reality. You are all so very precious to me!

“Thank you also to Jim Smith and George Hurst who ran for Mayor and who through that process also helped me define my message and vision for our wonderful city as they brought differing viewpoints and challenges to issues. Most of all, thank you to the many voters of Lynnwood for their trust in me! I have met so many wonderful people at your own front door and am grateful for your conversations and your vote!!”

For Position 1

  • Shirley Sutton – 50.38% (winner)
  • Nick Coelho – 49.02%
Shirley Sutton
Shirley Sutton

Shirley Sutton: “On this election night, I want to thank the people of Lynnwood for their support of my campaign and my vision for our city. I am proud to have received the highest percentage of contributions, from people in Lynnwood, of all the candidates currently running. I hope the results tonight will allow me to get to work to secure ample affordable housing, medical and financial support for our neighbors in need, and to restore a vibrant, equitable economy. Together we can build a Lynnwood where all are welcome to participate in a prosperous and sustainable community.”

For Position 2

  • Naz Lashgari – 45.01%
  • Patrick Decker – 54.59% (winner)
Patrick Decker

Patrick Decker: “I am deeply humbled and grateful to the residents of Lynnwood who voted for me to represent them for the next four years on the Lynnwood City Council.  I know there are a lot of votes left to count, but I am gratified with how the votes look so far.  I take this responsibility very seriously, and if I win this election, I will work hard to ensure Lynnwood continues to grow and improve as we seek to build a community that is safe, prosperous, inviting and welcoming to all. 

“This vote is a clear voice of support for the issues I campaigned on, those being prudent, intelligent growth management, public safety, particularly through support for our law enforcement and first responders, and investment in infrastructure to improve our roads, sidewalks, trails and parks.  I recognize we cannot solve all the challenges we have in front of us as rapidly as we would like, but as we work together as a Council of elected representatives, listening to the voice of the people, in partnership with the Administration, as well as County and State representatives, we can continue moving Lynnwood along the path of safety and prosperity for all.

“I want to thank Naz for running a great race, focusing on the issues that are important to Lynnwood and wish her luck in all her ventures. I would be remiss if I did not thank all the volunteers and supporters who have helped me with this campaign.  They have worked side by side with me for hours on end, through heat, cold, wind and rain to bring my message to the people of Lynnwood, and I am eternally grateful.

“I particularly want to thank my family for putting up with the time I was away from them during this campaign, and ensuring life on the home front continued with as little disruption as possible.  Jim Smith for his sage advice and counsel, as well as his friendship and support.  Also, Jake Wyman from Atlas Political, my Social Media manager, another great individual who provided excellent counsel and support throughout the election.  Thank you to all these, as well as all my friends and neighbors who have been there to support me throughout this effort!  I am in your debt!”

For Position 3

  • Lisa Utter – 45.56%
  • Joshua Binda – 52.97% (winner)
Joshua Binda
Joshua Binda. Source: Joshua Binda.

Josh Binda: “I am honored and grateful to the city of Lynnwood for believing in me to be a leader in this community. I look forward to representing each and everyone of our residents in the community and being a strong voice on the council that helps lead Lynnwood in the future.”

Lisa Utter
Lisa Utter. Lynnwood Times/Mario Lotmore.

Lisa Utter: “I want to thank the voters, the other candidates, and all the volunteers who participated in this election. Local elections are so important where representatives are accessible and their decisions are directly related to our lives. Lynnwood is at an exciting time.  There are so many important environmental, growth, justice and quality of life decisions to be made in the next few years.   I am honored to be considered, and am looking forward to seeing the final count.” 

CITY OF MARYSVILLE (Turnout – 30.47%)

For Position 1

  • Cindy Gobel – 40.68%
  • Jeffrey D. Vaughan (I) – 59.01% (winner)

For Position 2

  • Ambyrlee Gattshall – 20.70%
  • Mark James (I) – 78.93% (winner)

For Position 3

  • Kevin Gallagher – 25.89%
  • Tom King (I) – 73.61% (winner)

For Position 4

  • (unopposed) Michael A. Stevens (I) –  97.18% (winner)

CITY OF MILL CREEK (Turnout – 39.38%)

For Position 1

  • (unopposed) John Steckler (I) – 96.04% (winner)

For Position 2

  • Nicholas Swett – 33.06%
  • Stephanie Vignal (I) – 66.63% (winner)

For Position 3

  • Benjamin Briles (I) – 45.65%
  • Connie Allison – 54.14% (winner)

For Position 4 (too close to call)

  • Brian Holtzclaw (I) – 50.03%
  • Eric J. Cooke – 49.70%

For Position 6 (too close to call)

  • Adam R. Morgan (I) – 50.56%
  • Melissa Duque – 49.19%

CITY OF MONROE (Turnout – 35.42%)

For Mayor

  • (unopposed) Geoffrey Thomas (I) – 96.93% (winner)

For Position 1

  • Amber Mehta- 24.78%
  • Kevin Hanford (I) – 74.91% (winner)

For Position 2

  • (unopposed) Tami Kinney – 98.33% (winner)

For Position 3

  • (unopposed) Kyle Fisher – 98.08% (winner)

For Position 7 (too close to call)

  • Kirk Scarboro (I) – 50.50%
  • Jacob Walker – 49.35%

CITY OF MUKILTEO (Turnout – 52.63%)

Proposition 1: Do you think the city should encourage more high-density housing to be built in Mukilteo?

  • Yes – 18.12%
  • No – 81.88%

For Mayor

  • Jennifer Gregerson (I) – 43.12%
  • Joe Marine – 56.66% (winner)
Joe Marine
Joe Marine at his victory party on Tuesday, November 3, 2021 at Sabor a Mexico in Mukilteo. Photo courtesy of Friends of Joe Marine.

Joe Marine: “Like I said all along, this was always about two mayors each having 8 years of experience and letting the voters decide which they want more of — not looking at what they’re going to do but what they actually did, and I think that’s what the voters did. I feel vindicated. I am excited. I am feeling good about Mukilteo going in a good trajectory.”

For Position 1

  • Louis Harris (I) – 55.14% (winner)
  • Peter Zieve – 44.59%

For Position 2

  • Tom Jordal – 51.38% (winner)
  • Kevin Stoltz – 48.33%

For Position 3

  • Alex Crocco – 46.65%
  • Steve Schmalz – 52.87% (winner)


For Mayor (Turnout – 50.81%)

  • John T. Kartak (I) – 48.15%
  • Linda Redmon – 51.65% (winner)
Linda Redmon

Linda Redmon: “The outcome of this race shows that our community wants to get back to working on what matters. I am so grateful for the many, many people who helped our campaign, some of whom previously backed my opponent, who believe like I do that we are stronger together.

“I look forward to working with all of our community to build a more positive future for Snohomish.”

May be an image of 10 people, people standing and outdoors
Snohomish County Mayor John Kartak. Source: John Kartak.

John Kartak: “It appears as though I am not going to likely garner the votes necessary to win this election for another four years, and for that I called to congratulate her.

“I also told Linda that I will be asking my City Administrator to call her on Monday to make arrangements for meeting at City Hall weekly so that she can get updates from staff and begin making transition plans.

“Yes, this is a disappointment, but it is one that I am able to appreciate. God bless Snohomish. Snohomish bless God.”

For Position 3 (Turnout – 50.81%)

  • (unopposed) Felix Neals (I) – 97.19% (winner)

For Position 4 (Turnout – 50.81%)

  • Brian Mills – 49.03%
  • Tom Merrill (I) – 50.85% (winner)

For Position 5 (Turnout – 50.81%)

  • David Flynn – 61.24% (winner)
  • Kari Zimmerman – 38.44%

For Position 6 (Turnout – 50.72%)

  • Larry Countryman (I) – 44.41%
  • Lea Anne Burke – 55.46% (winner)

For Position 7 (Turnout – 50.72%)

  • Steve Dana (I) – 48.84%
  • Karen W. Guzak – 50.82% (winner)

6 Responses

  1. Your results are inverted for position 3 in Marysville city Council race Tom King vs Kevin Gallagher.
    Tom King is the winner at 71.95%.

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