March 17, 2025 9:14 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Nonregistered Democratic PAC with ties to DelBene pours $30,000 to salvage Johnson in Sheriff race

Snohomish County Sheriff’s race

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 4, 2023—Washington State Public Disclosure Commission records reveal that Waterfront Strategies, a K Street Washington, D.C. political firm that manages Super PAC ads for the Democratic Party’s House Majority PAC, had $30,018.50 poured into it for the Snohomish County Sheriff’s race on Wednesday, November 1, just days before ballots are due.  The […]

Facts vs Misinformation: Sheriff Adam Fortney in his own words

Sheriff Adam Fortney

Snohomish County, November 1, 2023—With less than a week for Snohomish County residents to cast their vote and turn in ballots by 8p.m. on November 7, the race for Sheriff between incumbent Adam Fortney and challenger Susanna Johnson heats up. As in any election, there is some mudslinging between candidates and their surrogates leaving voters […]

Workforce Snohomish hosts Snohomish County Healthcare Job Fair

Healthcare Job Fair

Everett, Wash, October 31, 2023—Workforce Snohomish is partnering with Snohomish County to host a free healthcare-focused job fair from 1:00-4:00 pm on November 2, 2023. The event will be held at the Robert J. Drewel Administration Building on the Snohomish County Government Campus at 3000 Rockefeller Ave in Everett. Fourteen employers representing multiple healthcare fields […]

Executive Somers Nominates Dr. J. Daniel Augustine for Chief Medical Examiner

Daniel Augustine

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., October 17, 2023—Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers has nominated Dr. J. Daniel Augustine, MD, as Chief Medical Examiner. Dr. Augustine is currently Associate Medical Examiner for Snohomish County. After being confirmed by the Snohomish County Council, Dr. Augustine will succeed Dr. Matthew Lacy, who has become Chief Medical Examiner for King County. […]

Ribbon-cutting for new Everett program for opioid affected mothers and infants

Evergreen Recovery Centers

EVERETT, Wash. October 10, 2023 – In its 50th year of providing services to persons with alcohol and other substance use disorders, Evergreen Recovery Centers was joined by Governor Jay Inslee to celebrate the completion of a new facility on its original campus on Summit Avenue in Everett, WA. The organization purchased a small house […]

Snohomish County Celebrates 10 years of restoration progress in Port Susan

port susan

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., September 20, 2023 – Over the last 10 years, multiple agencies have worked together towards maintaining and restoring Port Susan. This area offers important habitat for endangered species and is a refuge of biodiversity. A new website: Ten Years of Progress: Port Susan’s Conservation Action Plan, celebrates recovery efforts and highlights key […]

Snohomish County invests $1.5 million in Digital Equity and Broadband Access

Broadband Access

Snohomish County, Wash., September 18, 2023—Executive Dave Somers announced that Snohomish County is investing $1.5 million of its federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocation into a digital equity initiative operated by Sno-Isle Libraries. This funding will increase the capacity of their loanable computer with hot spots by 750 devices and will expand their digital […]

Snohomish County has a solid waste problem, Public Works plans to fix it

solid waste

EVERETT, Wash., September 17, 2023—Each week garbage trucks around Snohomish County pick up residents’ solid waste that end up at one location in north Everett. That waste is then loaded onto freight trains and transported to a landfill in Eastern Washington. However, in recent years, the county has encountered challenges that has its Public Works […]

Amazon opens Washington’s largest distribution center in Arlington 

Arlington amazon

ARLINGTON, Wash., September 14, 2023—Amazon held a grand opening ribbon cutting ceremony for its newest fulfillment center in Arlington on Thursday, September 14. “These are the types of jobs that the community needs,” said Bruno Arnal, General Manager for Amazon’s PAE2. “We are proud to invest in this area and see it grow with us.” […]

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