Residents show their respect for those lost to substance abuse under first-ever Mourning Tree

LYNNWOOD, Wash., December 11, 2023—Dozens of residents and community members gathered on a dark, cold, and rainy December 9 evening to show their respects to families who have lost loved ones to substance abuse. They met in front of the 44th Recovery House, located on 44th Avenue West in Lynnwood, where a Christmas Tree – […]
Lynnwood philanthropist seeks individuals who lost loved ones to addiction for Christmas Tree memorial

LYNNWOOD, Wash., November 19, 2023—Each year Patrick Crosby, who is Chairman of the Northwest Chapter of six-time UFC Champion Randy Couture’s Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation, displays a Christmas Tree memorial on his front lawn adorned with photos of veterans who have given their lives to serve their country. This year, for the first time ever, […]
UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture leads motorcycle ride for vets

EVERETT, Wash. – Six-time UFC champion Randy Couture led 300 motorcyclists from the Everett Veteran Center to the Evergreen Speedway in Monroe on Saturday, June 25, for the 2nd annual Xtreme Couture G.I. Foundation poker run to raise funds for combat veterans and their families. An after party featuring music by the Blue Mariah Band, […]
Xtreme Couture Motorcycle Poker Run Veteran fundraiser is June 25

The NW G.I Foundation is excited to announce the NW G.I Foundation’s 2nd Xtreme Couture Motorcycle Poker Run is scheduled for June 25. Pre-registration is now open. Special guest is Randy Couture which will be leading the ride and spending time with riders at the after party. Pre-Registration Come ride for a cause, show […]
WA-GRO Foundation provides meals to hundreds of students

EL OCOTITO, Mexico, January 2, 2022 – The WA-GRO Foundation provided over one thousand residents (300 families) of El Ocotito in Mexico chicken dinners and gifts to commence the New Year. Lynnwood Councilwoman and Guerrero native Julieta Altamirano-Crosby shared with the Lynnwood Times how when she was a kid, fellow Guerrero resident Roberto Callea would […]
Send holiday cards to Gold Star Families

To pay tribute to fallen military service members, Lynnwood resident Patrick Crosby is asking for community support in sending holiday messages to gold star mothers and families. A towering Christmas tree will soon stand outside of Patrick Crosby’s home on 208th Street Southwest, displaying the photographs of fallen service members who died during military service. […]
Lynnwood resident Daniela Altamirano-Crosby accepts job in D.C.

By Noel Pai-Young | Lynnwood Times Reporter Lynnwood, Wash., March 3, 2021 – Daniela Altamirano-Crosby, President of WAGRO Foundation, accepted a position as a scheduler for Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10 D) in February. She is currently working remotely until pandemic restrictions are lifted. Graduate of the University of Washington, Altamirano-Crosby completed her degree in Political […]
WAGRO: Connecting opportunities for the Latinx community

By Mario Lotmore | Lynnwood Times Staff LYNNWOOD, Wash., February 12, 2021 – The WAGRO Foundation opens a physical location here in Lynnwood located at 16825 48th Ave. W, Suite 409. WAGRO, founded by Councilwoman Dr. Julieta Altamirano-Crosby and Patrick Crosby in 2012, has been serving communities in Washington state and Guerrero, Mexico. Its mission […]
NASA WAGRO Summer Camp

By LUKE PUTVIN WAGRO, founded by Julieta Altamirano-Crosby and Patrick Crosby in 2012, focuses on providing resources to people and groups in underserved communities. The name of the organization means Washington (WA) and Guerrero (GRO); Altamirano-Crosby was born and raised in Guerrero, and she currently lives in Lynnwood. She co-founded WAGRO in order to help […]
Local three-time UFC Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture raises money for veterans

By Mario Lotmore On June 15, the Northwest G. I. Foundation chapter of the Xtreme Couture Foundation hosted a charity poker run in honor of U.S. veterans at Heritage Park. The event organizer and founder of the northwest chapter, Patrick Crosby, husband of Lynnwood City Council candidate Julieta Altamirano-Crosby, was pleased with the turnout […]