Fundraiser supports DVS work helping victims of domestic violence

By Luke Putvin and Michelle Mitsuuchi-Stork On Thursday, June 6, the Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County held its 10th annual Handbag Auction and Luncheon at the Angel of the Winds Arena in Everett. The event included a silent auction with rows of tables lined with handbags of all shapes, sizes, colors and styles; a […]
City council candidate challenges opponent’s eligibility; Auditor dismisses non-resident claims

by MARIO LOTMORE On May 29, a voter registration challenge was filed with the Snohomish County Auditor’s office by Lynnwood City Council candidate Rosamaria Graziani against Julieta Altamirano-Crosby, an opponent for the District 5 council seat. The challenge alleges that Crosby does not reside at the Lynnwood address listed on her voter registration record and […]
House Aviation Subcommittee Chair Larsen to Attend International Paris Air Show

WASHINGTON, D.C. – From June 16–18, Chair of the House Aviation Subcommittee Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) will travel to the International Paris Air Show, the world’s premiere aircraft exposition event. As Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee, Larsen is focused on exploring an agenda that includes: ensuring aviation safety, fostering innovation in U.S. airspace, improving U.S. […]
Happy Pride from WA State Senator Marko Liias

This June for the first time, Washington is celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month, recognized by state law. As one of nine openly serving legislators in Olympia, Pride is a joyful occasion, but also a time for reflection on the sacrifices made by those who came out before us. Fifty years ago in New York City, a […]
Lynnwood kicks off summer events with History and Heritage Day

By Luke Putvin Many people came and went from Heritage Park on Saturday, June 8 for History and Heritage Day. The event lasted from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., bringing the community together, and giving people a lot of information regarding the history of Lynnwood. Children attending the event received “Heritage Park Passports” with […]
To protect, serve, and play: Lynnwood police dogs are on duty

By Carol Ladwig People in the Lynnwood area have probably never met a police professional quite as furry and friendly as Kiro the police dog. The 19-month old German Shepherd certainly looks the part of a working dog, but when he’s not actively sniffing for narcotics or searching for a missing person, he’s all […]
City council makes presentations, proclamations and appointments

By Luke Putvin The Lynnwood City Council brought forth one presentation, two proclamations and two commission appointments at its May 28 business session. First, Lynn Sordel, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts, gave a presentation to thank the Park and Recreation volunteers. “We have had collectively over 1,000 hours of volunteering this year,” Sordel […]
Teacher layoffs a concern at annual Meadowdale High School Art Walk

By MAX ERIKSON Art students at Meadowdale High School showcased their talents at the annual Meadowdale High School Art Walk on May 29. From photography to pencil drawings to sculpting to painting, many different mediums were on display including a musical performance by the high school orchestra. Demonstrations by guest artists Tim Cross and […]
Community gathers at Cops and Kids event

By LUKE On June 1, about 1000 people came to the Terraces outside Alderwood Mall between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. for Lynnwood’s sixth Annual Cops and Kids event. “We created this event as a meaningful way to have direct access in a positive environment to the people in the community, especially kids,” said […]
Alzheimer’s Association welcomes new Executive Director

Jim Wilgus joined the Lynnwood-based Washington State Chapter on June 3 LYNNWOOD, Wash., June 4, 2019 – The Alzheimer’s Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Wilgus as the new executive director for the Washington State Chapter based in Lynnwood. Jim first joined the Alzheimer’s Association in 2010 and previously served as a […]