Letters to the Editor: Peace Pole

Congratulations and thank you to Eagle Scout Jim Osbourn for his splendid Service Project. The Peace Poles are a great gift to everyone living in or visiting Lynnwood! Major kudos also to the Rotary Club and Dunn Lumber, city officials and all others who helped on this. And, thank to the Lynnwood Times for printing […]
What does a lower Federal Reserve Rate mean to you?

On July 31, the Federal Reserve Rate was lowered from its benchmark rate by a quarter point. Amid intense pressure from President Trump and Wall Street, the feds dropped the lending rate from 2.25% to 2%. This is the first reduction in the Federal Reserve Rate since the 2008 recession. According to Heritage Bank Executive […]
City Council housing discussion continues

by LUKE PUTVIN luke.putvin@lynnwoodtimes.com At the July 22 City Council Business Meeting, there was a public hearing regarding an ordinance to update regulations associated with development agreements. “The item before you is designed to provide flexibility to the City Council when considering development projects and address unique circumstances,” David Kleitsch, Economic Development Director for the […]
Northside Step Team Tryouts

by LUKE PUTVIN luke.putvin@lynnwoodtimes.com On August 2, Northside Step Team held tryouts to be on its performance team. Northside Step Team was founded in 2000 by Darnesha Weary who is still the team director. Weary was part of a drill team when she was younger, and had family members on drill teams as well. “I […]
Shakespeare Performance at Lynndale Park

by LUKE PUTVIN luke.putvin@lynnwoodtimes.com Where Seattle Shakespeare Company’s performance of Romeo and Juliet at Lynndale Park was unique because of its all-female cast, its performance of Twelfth Night was unique because of its all-male cast. All-female casts would have not existed in the original productions of Shakespeare’s plays, but all-male casts were the norm. In […]
Supporting local businesses at Edmonds Wine Walk

by LUKE PUTVIN luke.putvin@lynnwoodtimes.com Art Walk Edmonds hosted a sold-out Edmonds Wine Walk on August 3 in the heart of downtown Edmonds. “I love keeping the art walk alive,” said Patti Greene, Secretary on the Art Walk board. Greene has been on the board for about five years. “This event specifically brings so much energy […]