September 8, 2024 3:24 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Upcoming Lynnwood Summer Activities

Lynnwood Summer activities

As we move towards the longer days of summer, Lynnwood Parks and Recreation is excited to once again offer summer activities. Join us for an evening at Wilco Park where local non-profit agencies will provide information about their no-cost or low-cost services, resources and programs for you and your family. We’ll have free, fun, safe […]

Zieve kicks off his “Keep Mukilteo a Small Town” campaign

Peter Zieve

MUKILTEO, Wash., July 3, 2021 – Peter Zieve hosted his campaign kick-off for Mukilteo City Council on Sunday, June 27th 6-8 p.m. at his home in Mukilteo. It was one of the hottest days of the year with temperatures reaching 95 degrees in Mukilteo. When asked why host the kick-off campaign inviting the entire city […]

Snohomish County: When coyotes attack

coyote snohomish county

LYNNWOOD, Wash., July 1, 2021 – As it is the time of year when coyotes begin to explore further from their dens in Snohomish County, community members are experiencing an increase in coyote sightings. Now, when a cat goes missing, it is hard not to imagine worst-case scenarios wherein a house pet might have encountered […]

Verdant approves $2.5M in community health grants

verdant health grants

LYNNWOOD, Wash. – June 28, 2021 – During the Verdant Health Commission’s recent funding cycle, the Board of Commissioners approved more than $2.5 million in health grants. These funds will be put directly into South Snohomish County to address community health and well-being needs. The grants listed below will support 14 different multi-year projects or […]

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables vouchers for eligible seniors

Snohomish County press release

EVERETT, Wash., June 29, 2021 – Snohomish County announced that that applications for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) are still being accepted! SFMNP provides eligible low-income seniors with $40 worth of checks to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at participating farmers markets or farm stands.  To learn more about the program, please visit: […]

Sno-Isle Libraries Summer Reading has begun

sno-isle summer reading

Read (or be read to) for 10 hours this summer to earn a free book! There are THREE ways to track your reading: Download a paper reading log for KIDS or TEENS or pick one up at your library. Go online to Download the Beanstack Tracker app on your mobile device. When you’re done with all 10 hours, go to your […]

Gay bashing on Moses Lake ends in flaming boat

gay bashers moses lake

MOSES LAKE, Wash., June 4, 2021 – A TikTok video has gone viral with almost 11 million views of an apparent gay bashing incident at Moses Lake, ending in the assailants’ boat bursting into flames and its occupants being rescued by their LGBTQ victims. According to the video the LGBTQ family was being harassed by […]

Lynnwood Times 1st annual Mother’s Day Scavenger Hunt a success

Mothers Day Lynnwood Times

In recognition of Mother’s Day, the Lynnwood Times hosted a family-friendly scavenger hunt for our readers.  Between May 1 and May 9, participants used 18 clues to search for 18 Mother’s Day-themed decorated rocks within six Snohomish County cities. As people discovered the rocks, they submitted a picture to the Lynnwood Times’ Facebook, Twitter, or […]

You are invited to ‘Let Your Leader Out’ this weekend

Leadership Launch

Leadership Launch is hosting its 2021 Community Launch Projects this weekend. We are challenging our community to engage in random acts of kindness over the weekend of May 21 – 23. You can do your own random act of kindness, or join with Leadership Launch students to positively impact the community. Student projects are divided into […]

Contractors teamed up to help customer in need

contractors teamed up

Three local contractors teamed up to install a brand new heating system at no cost to a customer who had been without heat for a decade.  When Dwight Miller, owner of Lifetime Heating, Cooling, and Electric became aware of a community member’s situation through The Snohomies Facebook group, he reached out to two local competitors- CM Heating […]

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