‘Don’t Seattle our Lynnwood,’ Jim Smith kicks off 2023 campaign
LYNNWOOD, Wash., June 29, 2023—The sun was out, the live music was set, and the beer and barbecue kept flowing at Jim Smith’s campaign kickoff event on Wednesday, June 28, at Lynnwood’s Moonshine Barbecue that was attended by just over 60 residents. Jim Smith announced his bid to retain his Lynnwood City Council Position #4 […]
Superior Court Judge accepts Binda recall effort, decision now falls on voters
LYNNWOOD, Wash., June 27, 2023—Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Marybeth Dingledy found sufficient reason to recall Lynnwood City Councilman Josh Binda for misfeasance, malfeasance, and violation of oath of office at a 9:30 a.m. hearing on Tuesday morning, June 27. The court accepted four of five charges brought forth by the Recall Binda Committee — […]
Massive turnout launching Lynnwood Council Vice President’s 2023 campaign kickoff
LYNNWOOD, Wash., June 24, 2023—To an impressive turnout of just over 100 supporters at her home, Lynnwood Council Vice President Dr. Julieta Altamirano-Crosby kicked off her 2023 re-election campaign themed “Building Community,” with a message of growth, public safety, mental health, and environment. “In a world full of spectators, let’s be players,” Councilwoman Dr. Altamirano-Crosby […]
Former Lynnwood City Council President running unopposed and on path to retain seat
LYNNWOOD, Wash., May 21, 2023—Last week incumbent Lynnwood City Councilman and former Council President George Hurst formally announced the kickoff of his reelection campaign for Position 6. At the end of filing week on May 19, it shows Hurst is running unopposed and will most likely be re-elected for another 4-year term in the General […]
Jim Smith launches Lynnwood City Council re-election campaign
LYNNWOOD, Wash., May 13, 2023—Jim Smith has announced that he will seek re-election this year to continue serving the people of Lynnwood. “My highest priority has always been for the safety and well being of our community. I believe we need to prioritize our families as well as our senior citizens who have given so […]
Binda expected to sign Settlement Agreement at Monday’s meeting
LYNNWOOD, Wash., May 7, 2023—At its Business Meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 8, the Lynnwood City Councilman Joshua Binda is expected to accept an ethics complaint settlement and the council will discuss its remote attendance policy. For meeting details, click here. Councilperson Decker, on behalf of the City Council, filed an Ethics Complaint […]
Lynnwood Councilman under new campaign finance investigation by Washington state
OLYMPIA, Wash., May 5, 2023—The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) today has opened a new enforcement case against Lynnwood City Councilman Joshua Binda for failure to file his 2022 Personal Financial Affairs Disclosure Statement (F-1 report) on time. Also, according to PDC records, Councilman Binda has failed to pay any of the $1,250 in […]
Committee to recall Lynnwood Councilman Joshua Binda filed with PDC
LYNNWOOD, Wash., April 6, 2023—Residents disappointed with Lynnwood Councilman Joshua Binda in his illegal campaign activities, pending ethics investigations, and most recently posting sexually suggestive pictures to minors, have officially filed with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission to recall the council member. In an email received the evening of Thursday, April 6, from The […]
Calls for Binda to resign mount as Council echoes residents’ concerns
LYNNWOOD, Wash., March 28, 2023—Resident after resident approached the podium at Monday’s city council meeting requesting that Councilmember Josh Binda resign following sexually suggestive pictures of him discovered on his political Instagram account, cmjoshbinda, to promote his “Love Conquers All” tour to middle and high school students. “Is sexual marketing to inspire kids as a city councilman […]
Commissioner Nick Coelho announces run for Lynnwood City Council
LYNNWOOD, Wash. March 23, 2023—Nick Coelho, parks advocate and co-owner of Around the Table Board Game Pub in Lynnwood, is announcing his run for Lynnwood City Council Position 4. “Our city has potential. A lot of it! I am confident that we can set the bar higher on public safety and lead the way in […]