Your August 2022 horoscope
August is traditionally the “travel and vacation” month, although there are some heavy planetary hitters around that could be affecting things for those lucky enough to escape (or be stuck in) the heat of the moment. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all touch on Leo (a “Fire” Sign) this month. So, they could be adding […]
Your July 2022 horoscope
This month starts by running on from a powerful New Moon in Cancer event that occurred towards the end of June. This follow-through could be witnessed by many individuals – specifically females – as both the Moon and Cancer are feminine Signs, ruling feminine things. Therefore, taking on environmental or social justice issues that need […]
Your June 2022 horoscope
The month of June was originally named after the Roman goddess Juno, previously known to the ancient Greeks as Hera. She was said to be the goddess of women, marriage, childbirth, children, and family. It’s not such a surprise to know therefore that June is the biggest month in the year for marriages. It’s especially […]
Your April 2022 horoscope
With the world being such a challenging place these days – what with Covid, social divisions, very real threats of global warming and international hostilities leading to terrible wars and conflicts – it’s very easy for us to feel depressed, hopeless, and seemingly powerless to do anything to change things. At such times, the story […]
Your March 2022 horoscope
Although it’s hard to believe that the world is going in a positive direction right now, astrology does have some optimistic things to say about it this March. The trickster energy, symbolized by the planet Uranus, may still have some surprises in store for us of course. However, with March kicking off with a New […]
Dr. Horace Scope, January 2021
By | Lynnwood Times Contributor