July 16, 2024 4:09 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

WAGRO provides assistance to Snohomish County families

By Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff On May 7, the WAGRO Foundation provided monetary support to 110 families outside the Lynnwood Food Bank. President of WAGRO and Lynnwood City Councilmember Julieta Altamirano-Crosby, along with WAGRO volunteer Lupita Zamora, were there to give checks to families in need.  Individuals applied for the money through WAGRO’s Facebook page. […]

Inslee announces three advisory groups, calls Republican lawsuit “humanly heartless”

By Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff Today, at his May 5 press conference, Governor Jay Inslee announced the creation of three advisory groups. Each group will be focused on a specific step of recovery from COVID-19. Additionally, Inslee announced that outdoor recreation formally starts today. The advisory groups will be made up of a diverse […]

Governor Inslee extends “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order through May 31

By Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff At his May 1 press conference, Governor Jay Inslee announced that on Monday he will extend Stay Home, Stay Healthy order to May 31. Additionally, he shared the four-phase approach to reopening businesses in Washington. Smaller counties that have not been hit as hard as others will be […]

Lynnwood City Council letter to Inslee: Re-open Lynnwood!

lynnwood city council

by Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff On April 28, six of seven Lynnwood City Council members addressed a letter to Governor Jay Inslee advocating he broaden the types of businesses currently deemed essential, to open with social distancing measures in place and encourages vulnerable communities to stay home. “The seven [council] members are the […]

Beer exchange between neighbors in Lynnwood

By Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there are individuals who have come up with creative solutions to still maintain contact with others while socially distancing. One of those individuals is Michael Harris in Lynnwood. Harris has set up the “Henny Penny Beer Trading Post.” This all started years ago when, in […]

Outdoor recreation to resume with social distancing guidelines on May 5

By Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff At his April 27 press conference, Governor Jay Inslee announced that outdoor recreation across the state will be allowed to resume beginning on May 5. “We do know that outdoor recreation is one of the best things people can do to promote health, both physical and mental, during this time of […]

Governor Inslee lifts restrictions on construction that can abide by social distancing

By Luke Putvin | Lynnwood Times Staff Today, at his April 24 press conference, Governor Jay Inslee announced that some construction across the state will be allowed to resume today. However, this lift in restrictions comes with stipulations and requirements. Only work sites that can accommodate social distancing of six feet between employees can resume. Additionally, there will be […]

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