March 13, 2025 2:43 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Lynnwood High School student wins Congressional District Art Competition

susanna lee art

LYNNWOOD, Wash., July 3, 2021 – This year’s winner of the Congressional District Art Competition is Susanna Lee, a Lynnwood High sophomore student in the Edmonds School District. The competition has been held every spring since 1982, and its purpose, according to, is to “recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in […]

Photo of the Week: Lynnwood’s Beverly Goat

Lynnwood Beverly Goat

Lynnwood, Wash. – Located on the fence of a home on Beverly Rd. lies Lynnwood’s iconic Beverly Goat. The goat is dressed up throughout the year and brings joy to thousands of motorists and joggers every day. In 2019, a community effort by Chelsea Meggitt led to the goats return after thieves stole it for […]

Arts Commission seeking original art for Memorial Bridge

Art opportunity

Snohomish County Arts Commission Seeks Inspiring Art for Veteran’s Memorial Bridge, Haller Park/Centennial Trail in Arlington WA SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., April 15, 2021 – The Snohomish County Arts Commission is seeking proposals for art to establish the Haller/Centennial Trail Bridge as a Memorial Bridge for veterans of the post-Cold War era which is collaboratively supported […]

Art Walk Edmonds is back!

Edmonds Art Walk

Art Walk Edmonds is now a month-long celebration of the Arts in Edmonds! Art View April 1-30, 2021 Art Walk April 15, 2021 5-8pm Local artists will be showcased at businesses all month long, and some businesses will also host a third Thursday night Art Walk on April 15th from 5-8pm. Fifteen downtown Edmonds businesses […]

Cascade Symphony Orchestra Children’s Concert, Feb. 6

Cascade Symphony

By Cascade Symphony Orchestra | Press Release The Cascade Symphony Orchestra (CSO) will offer its annual Children’s Concert, “Discover Your Passion!” at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 6, as it has for the past 13 years — with one current difference. This year’s will be presented virtually, like all of the CSO 2020-21 season music […]

CARES Act funding brings much needed assistance to the local cultural sector

Todd Benson

By Washington State Arts Commission | Press Release OLYMPIA (December 21, 2020) – Nearly 390 nonprofit arts and culture organizations serving 32 Washington counties received funding in recent rounds of CARES Act funding in Washington State. The state’s creative economy supports more than 17,600 arts and culture-related businesses and more than 305,000 jobs. Administered by […]

Renowned artist Andy Eccleshall starts new masterpiece at ArtWorks

by Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation Andy Eccleshall, a local artist and muralist, is leasing space at ArtWorks from the Edmonds Arts Festival to create a nine-panel, 45-foot-long mural celebrating the history of Petersburg, Alaska. Hammer & Wikan, a company in Petersburg, Alaska, has commissioned a nine-panel, 45-foot-long mural by Eccleshall. The business started 100 years ago […]

Winners of NWWS 80th Annual International Open Exhibition

The top three winners of the Northwest Watercolor Society (NWWS) 80th Annual International Open Exhibition are recognized as fine watercolor artists internationally and by NWWS also. The online only exhibition is currently live now through February 1, 2021 at Internationaly known juror Ron Stocke awarded first place of $2,000 cash to Dongfeng Li for his painting, “A Breath of Fresh […]

Snohomish County Arts Commission Seeks Inspiring Art for Edmonds Park

Esperance Park

Call-for-artists seeks sculpture that reflects hope for new Esperance Park plaza By Snohomish County Government | Press Release EDMONDS, Wash., August 13, 2020 – The Snohomish County Arts Commission is seeking proposals for artwork for a “Hope Symbol” for the plaza in newly renovated Esperance Park in Edmonds.  The competition is open to professional artists […]

Extended: Congressional Art Competition submission due June 1

Lynnwood Art

Extended: Congressional Art Competition submission due June 1- Lynnwood Times DUE DATE EXTENDED: All artwork must be submitted no later than Monday, June 1, at 4:00 p.m. (was May 31). Due to COVID-19, submissions may be emailed to Each spring, the U.S. House of Representatives holds a nationwide high school arts competition. The Congressional Art Competition is an […]

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