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Embattled congressional candidate has $1,363 in unpaid campaign finance fines

binda pdc

LYNNWOOD—Lynnwood City Councilman Joshua “Josh” Binda still has $1,363 in unpaid Public Disclosure Committee (PDC) fines which include penalties for two separate F1 statement violations and a, still, yet to be paid penalty for using his campaign funds for personal use. The embattled councilman still has yet to file his 2023 annual Financial Disclosure statement. […]

Embattled Lynnwood Councilman to challenge Larsen for Congress

joshua binda

LYNNWOOD—According the Federal Election Commission filing on January 29, embattled Lynnwood Councilman Joshua Binda is intending to challenge Representative Rick Larsen (D) for the Second Congressional District. Binda will be running as a Democratic Party candidate, FEC filing shows. Representative Larsen (WA-02) has been in Congress since 2001 and is the Ranking Member of the […]

Recall effort fails to get signatures, Binda full steam ahead

binda recall

LYNNWOOD—The Committee to Recall Joshua Binda announced that it failed to collect the 2,416 signatures needed by January 10, 2024, for the recall to qualify for the April ballot against the Lynnwood Councilman. Because the committee missed the deadline to collect enough signatures, the recall effort is officially dead. “We thank the over 1,050 Lynnwood […]

Letter-to-Editor: Introducing Josh Binda, the George Santos of Lynnwood

Josh Binda

According to the New York Times, the House Ethics Committee concluded that Congressman George Santos (R-NY) illegally used his campaign funds for personal use and that he lied to Congress and the Public about his activities. The Ethics Committee’s report said that Congressman Santos spent donor money on designer clothing, plastic surgery, and personal airfare. […]

NAACP investigation targets Sessions and media in Binda discrimination case

NAACP snohomish

LYNNWOOD, Wash., July 21, 2023—The Snohomish County National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) released their initial findings of its ongoing investigation of alleged discrimination toward Lynnwood City Councilman Joshua Binda on Thursday, July 20, in front of Lynnwood City Hall. In its findings, the organization alleged that fellow Lynnwood City Council President […]

Lynnwood Councilman tells PDC he doesn’t know how to write checks to pay fines

binda PDC

OLYMPIA, Wash., July 9, 2023—During a Brief Adjudicative Proceeding on Thursday, July 6, with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), Lynnwood Councilman Josh Binda was found in violation of failing to file his Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1) timely and fined $300 that will be suspended with the condition that he pays $1,250 (and […]

Superior Court Judge accepts Binda recall effort, decision now falls on voters

binda recall

LYNNWOOD, Wash., June 27, 2023—Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Marybeth Dingledy found sufficient reason to recall Lynnwood City Councilman Josh Binda for misfeasance, malfeasance, and violation of oath of office at a 9:30 a.m. hearing on Tuesday morning, June 27. The court accepted four of five charges brought forth by the Recall Binda Committee — […]

Committee to recall Lynnwood Councilman Joshua Binda filed with PDC

recall binda

LYNNWOOD, Wash., April 6, 2023—Residents disappointed with Lynnwood Councilman Joshua Binda in his illegal campaign activities, pending ethics investigations, and most recently posting sexually suggestive pictures to minors, have officially filed with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission to recall the council member. In an email received the evening of Thursday, April 6, from The […]

Calls for Binda to resign mount as Council echoes residents’ concerns

Binda resign

LYNNWOOD, Wash., March 28, 2023—Resident after resident approached the podium at Monday’s city council meeting requesting that Councilmember Josh Binda resign following sexually suggestive pictures of him discovered on his political Instagram account, cmjoshbinda, to promote his “Love Conquers All” tour to middle and high school students. “Is sexual marketing to inspire kids as a city councilman […]

Public outcry as Binda sexually promotes Love Conquers All to minors

Binda love conquers all

LYNNWOOD, Wash., March 21, 2023—More controversy surrounds Lynnwood City Councilman Josh Binda as social media users condemn his recent “Love Conquers All” tour promotional Instagram post to middle and high school students calling it, “sexualized advertisement.” According to Binda’s tour schedule, he was to visit Everett High School, Olympic View High School, Lake Stevens High […]

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